SMP gets the GQ seal of approval

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SMP gets the GQ seal of approval

SMP gets the GQ seal of approvalDespite around 66% of men experiencing some degree of hair loss before the age of 35, there’s surprisingly very few effective treatments available.

On your search for hair loss treatments, you’ll come across thousands of different products all claiming to miraculously solve the condition. However, not many are actually effective – particularly in the treatment of male pattern baldness.

There are some exciting breakthroughs currently awaiting FDA approval, but until then are there any hair loss treatments you can use that actually work? Well, if you’re looking for a cost-effective, semi-permanent solution, SMP could be the answer. It’s even been given the seal of approval from the renowned GQ magazine.

Why SMP comes highly recommended

SMP, or Scalp MicroPigmentation, involves tattooing the scalp with specialised pigments to create realistic looking hair follicles. The results are remarkable and typically last up to one year.

Now this isn’t your average tattoo technique. So, it’s not something you could just go into your local tattoo clinic and have done. Instead, it needs to be performed by a skilled specialist. Numerous colour pigments are used to create a realistic finish and they are inserted into the top layer of the scalp.

One of its major advantages over hair transplants is the cost. Hair transplants are renowned for being expensive, while SMP comes at just a fraction of the cost.

Is it permanent?

There are actually two types of ink that can be used in SMP. The main one is a semi-permanent ink which lasts at least a year, though it could last a lot longer. The other is a more temporary ink, ideal for those who want to try it out to see how it might look.

Overall SMP can be used to either create a fully-shaved look, or hide thinning patches in longer hair. It’s fast gaining in popularity and if you want to see what type of results you can expect, there are plenty of before and after pictures online.


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The mid-life crisis – is it time to accept it?
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The Best Scalp Micropigmentation in Seattle

