A recent BBC Radio 4 documentary brought up the eternal dilemma of the mid-life crisis, so we thought we might as well chip in from the perspective of the hair loss industry.
While not all clients are coming to see us at HIS Hair because they’ve hit a certain age and they’re desperate to claw back however much of their youthful appearance as they can, looking into the benefits that hair replacement treatment can offer is a definite ‘milestone’ occurrence for many men.
And it’s not so much about looking younger – it’s more about not looking older, or at least developing the inclination (and having the money) to want to look as good as possible for the rest of your life.
People want to look better, not necessarily younger
Therefore, it’s no surprise that when new clients come in for their initial consultation, we rarely have to temper their expectations. They’re not expecting a luxuriant bouffant – they just want to cover up the imperfections wrought by time.
And while some men opt for a hair transplant procedure (spurred on by the ever-increasing legion of celebrities who are not in the least bit ashamed about their transplants), others are turning to a treatment that gives the look of a full head of hair at a fraction of the price: SMP.
What is SMP?
SMP – Scalp MicroPigmentation – is the professional and precise deployment of pigments upon the scalp to create the illusion of thousands of micro-hairs. It can restore the appearance of a fuller, thicker head of hair, create a natural, more youthful hairline and side profiles, and cover up scalp blemishes, scarring and other imperfections. Teamed with the always on-trend close-cropped look, it offers the perfect solution to hair loss issues at an affordable price.
So, our opinion is: it’s perfectly OK to accept who you are. But you can always get a little help to look better.