HIS Hair Clinic was the first Scalp MicroPigmentation company in the world. Fourteen years later, HIS Hair has locations in seven countries and is the global leader for this type of hair loss treatment
HIS are the original creators of Scalp MicroPigmentation techniques as a solution for hair loss for bald men. Ian Watson, co-founder of HIS, was the first person in the world to undergo an SMP treatment, performed by Ranbir Rai-Watson, also a co-founder of HIS.
Since its inception in 2002, HIS Hair Clinic has helped thousands of men from around the world to leave their hair loss problems behind for good. Even those who have undergone hair restoration surgery, have worn hair systems or have scars or skin conditions can benefit from Scalp Pigmentation by HIS.
What is Scalp MicroPigmentation?
Scalp MicroPigmentation, or SMP as it is commonly known, is not just a regular hair tattoo but a highly specialised process during which tiny deposits of pigment are positioned within the dermal layer of the skin. When applied by a skilled practitioner, these deposits replicate the look of real shaven hair.
Our SMP treatments are as flexible as you need them to be. Typically our clients are able to specify the shape of their frontal hairline and side profiles, request a defined or super-soft “broken” hairline, opt for a more receded look or use lighter pigments for a softer look overall. SMP is intended to create the style you always wanted, and our practitioners are fully trained to cater for all requirements including treatments for white, Hispanic, black and Asian skin tones.
SMP by HIS Hair Clinic is a permanent solution for hair loss. All that is required of the recipient is that they keep their hair cut to the right length using standard hair clippers, an electric face shaver or razor. The length that the hair should be cut to is solely dependent upon the extent of the clients hair loss. We also recommend that all clients keep their skin healthy and hydrated by regularly moisturising their scalp.
A short touch-up session may be required for some clients from time to time, however in such cases, these sessions are usually at least five years apart.
What is the process?
All clients are invited to participate in a free consultation session with a member of our team. In most cases these consultations are conducted face to face, however for clients who are based overseas or for those who may find it difficult to travel to their local HIS clinic, consultations can be completed via email or Skype if preferred.
During your consultation you have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you desire, and advice will be provided that is specific to your own individual circumstances. It is important to note that your consultation is completely without obligation, and is conducted in a friendly, informal manner at all times.
Should you choose to proceed with treatment, either at the end of your consultation or when you have had time to consider your options, we will arrange mutually suitable dates, times and locations for your treatment sessions.
The majority of treatments are completed within 2-3 sessions, however additional sessions may be required depending on your circumstances. All quotations are fixed, therefore if more sessions are needed than originally anticipated, no additional fee is payable.
What results are realistically achievable?
The result you can expect is directly linked to the skill of your practitioner, and the quality of the pigments that are applied.
All our practitioners are taught to the same standard at our international Training Academy in the United Kingdom, to ensure that the same exceptional results are delivered time and again, no matter which of our clinics you visit for your treatment. HIS is the gold standard for Scalp MicroPigmentation, and our practitioners are unquestionably regarded as the best in the world.
Following your treatment, the only people who will find out are those who you choose to tell. HIS clients are able to return to their workplaces, social circles and families with confidence. Many of our clients even choose not to tell their partners or parents. The results are so realistic, our SMP treatments are on a strictly “need to know” basis.
Can SMP conceal scars, alopecia and other imperfections?
Absolutely, yes. Many of our clients have acquired scars and skin blemishes during their lifetime that they wish to conceal. This includes strip and FUE scars caused by hair restoration surgery, other surgical scars, accident-related scars and other imperfections such as burns or skin conditions.
Scalp MicroPigmentation is commonly used to conceal alopecia areata, however other forms such as alopecia totalis and traction alopecia are also straightforward to camouflage using SMP. When treating alopecia our aim is to provide the client with peace of mind and renewed confidence, regardless of whether or not the real hair returns.
What guarantees do we offer?
Our aim is to ensure that every HIS client achieves the most realistic result, by delivering a bespoke service on a case by case basis. SMP is hugely adaptable and a wide range of options are available. Furthermore every person is unique, with different preferences and requirements. Our track record is undeniably second to none in delivering first class client satisfaction.
Further to this aim, we provide all our clients with a full 12 month guarantee to guard against any unexpected financial outlay as a result of short term fading. Most clients experience some fading immediately following treatment, in fact it is a normal, functional part of the process. However for any clients who feel their pigments have faded more than desired, we are there to ensure the final result is exactly as it should be – with no additional treatment costs, guaranteed.
Furthermore, we are the only SMP company in the world to provide a free to use public forum, enabling all clients past, current and prospective, to discuss the treatment and their experiences in a safe, unadulterated environment.
A word of caution
HIS Hair Clinics have spent many years developing the Scalp Pigmentation technique. It is very important that prospective clients understand that it is not just about the results you see today, but more importantly, the appearance of the treated scalp in years to come.
As the popularity of our treatment has grown, several competitors have emerged looking to cash in on this type of service. Please be aware that not all companies achieve the same results, therefore it is crucial to ask for independently verifiable case studies before committing to any treatment plan.
Unlike many of our competitors that use tattoo or permanent makeup inks, our pigments will never change colour. Regular inks are not suitable for this type of treatment, however a growing number of our competitors clients are coming to HIS for remedial work following botched hair tattoo treatments.