Scalp Micropigmentation for Women – A Serious Alternative Hair Loss Solution

Alopecia, General Hair Loss, SMP Information

There is no question that Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) was developed with men in mind, but with as many women as men suffering from hair loss it has become a serious option for women undergoing just about any form of hair loss.

SMP – From Drawing Board To Delivery


Ian Watson and his sister in law, Ranbir Rai Watson, decided to do something about it when Ian’s brother began chemotherapy and started to lose his hair. Ranbir, with a deeply academic background, set about acquiring all the necessary skills to make Scalp Micropigmentation a possibility. Travelling the world to train under the top professionals in their various fields she would train in advanced medical and permanent make-up pigmentation as well as learning under one of the world’s great tattoo artists. Innumerable other courses on every conceivable aspect of what would become Scalp Micropigmentation saw her become world’s first SMP expert, with a deep understanding of pigments and the equipment that would be used to deliver them.

It would take two years of study and experimentation to develop the principals of SMP, after which Ranbir performed the world’s first treatment. On Ian Watson. The results were spectacular, better than they could have hoped for when they started their journey. Nevertheless it would be another three years of further development, particularly on the equipment and pigments, before they would open the doors on their first clinic.

Is It For Girls?

we can do it

It is fair to say that up until that point the focus had been on men. Understandable when the motivation for creating SMP was from a man suffering with hair loss, but it would not be long before women began to call in to find out whether SMP could be used to help them too.

Although the headline statistic will tell you that as many women as men suffer from androgenetic alopecia, pattern baldness of the type we inherit from our parents, the problem is much less visible and as a consequence much less talked about. While a relatively small percentage of men choose to do something about their hair loss, no doubt lacking faith in the options available, it is quite rare to see a woman with hair loss – they tend to reach for a hair system at an early stage, with all the associated restrictions on lifestyle that come with it. Hair extensions, because of the way female pattern baldness usually presents as a general thinning across the top of the scalp, can be used to add the appearance of density but by pulling on the remaining hair may well just accelerate the problem and offer only a temporary answer.

What Can Be Achieved With SMP?

woman client SMP

For women with typical hair loss SMP can be used to add the appearance of density. It can, if the client so chooses, be complimented with products like fibres and spray to provide even more coverage… but in the vast majority of cases client’s do not feel the need to add anything to the work of their HIS practitioner, liberating themselves completely from the daily stress associated with appearing in public while visibly suffering from hair loss. In extreme cases, chemotherapy patients or alopecia sufferers (as pictured above) where hair loss can be sudden and unsightly whether presenting as small circular bald patches or the complete loss of all body hair, Scalp Micropigmentation has been used to great effect and delivered profound improvements.

HIS Hair Clinic


There are few experts in the world with the depth of understanding of women’s hair loss issues that Ranbir possesses… she recently went through her own hair loss journey and so can bring genuine empathy to the table too. For some time now she has focused her efforts on developing HIS to broaden the range of services available to our women clients, the results can be seen from our home page here by clicking on the Treatments button, where you will see that treatments for men and women are now separate. She is also available for personal consultations at no charge, just get in touch with your local clinic, click here to find yours, to find suitable dates. If you live too far from a clinic to make that convenient you can get in touch with your local clinic and request a consultation by skype.


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The Oldest SMP In The World – 14 Years, No Touch Ups
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Bald in your twenties? How to make the most of it

