The Inventors of SMP®

Since inventing SMP® 18 years ago and qualifying in Trichology, Ian & Ranbir, the founders of His Hair Clinic, are experts in both Male & Female hair loss.

With an international reputation and a thriving practice based on the principles of excellence and a personal service, there really is no better place to receive professional advice and outstanding results!

Leaders in Hair Loss Solutions

Since inventing SMP® 18 years ago and qualifying in Trichology, Ian & Ranbir are experts in both Male & Female hair loss.

With an international reputation and a thriving practice based on the principles of excellence and a personal service, there really is no better place to receive professional advice and outstanding results!

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Hair Loss Solutions


The world’s first SMP® Clinic


Satisfied clients and counting


Inventors of the SMP® process

Hair loss treatments for men

It’s going to be natural for you to have a lot of questions about the SMP and we will cover everything in your consultation. But here are some of the most popular questions we get asked.

Get in touch with His Hair Clinic today

Hair loss treatments for women

It’s going to be natural for you to have a lot of questions about the SMP and we will cover everything in your consultation. But here are some of the most popular questions we get asked.

Arrange a free consultation

Contact us today to arrange a free consultation and one of our UK clinics. We can also offer digital or remote consultations via Zoom, Facetime or WhatsApp video.

    Download the SMP® Brochure

    Download our brochure to read more about our SMP® treatments.

    Our SMP® Clinics


    In Birmingham, our clinic is in the heart of the famous Jewellery Quarter with easy access by rail, bus or taxi from the centre of town.

    HIS Hair Clinic, Branston Court, Branston St, Birmingham, B18 6BA

    Case studies

    I started to lose my hair about 7 years ago. My hairline was receding, my crown was beginning to bald. It wasn’t something I particularly noticed at first, but other people started commenting on it.

    Then, because I perform and I’m in the theatre, I started to see photos and thought ‘Ah yes, I am starting to lose my hair’. For many years, to cover up the fact that I was thinning, I bought these ‘hair in a can’ products, or hair thickening spray, and I would just use them to ‘fill in the blanks’. And it looked okay, but wasn’t very practical at all. I’ve still got some hair coverage, which I’d started to shave anyway, and this treatment has been ideal for me to fill in those gaps. One positive result that I certainly didn’t expect is that I actually feel younger, as well as knowing that I look younger. It’s been amazing

    Before Treatment

    His Hair FAQs

    It’s going to be natural for you to have a lot of questions about the SMP® and we will cover everything in your consultation. But here are some of the most popular questions we get asked.

    Scalp MicroPigmentation is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment for hair loss. SMP can also be used to conceal scars.

    Some people who are not good candidates for hair transplant surgery often choose SMP to create the illusion of a full head of hair. SMP can also be used to conceal a linear scar from a Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) surgery and the small round “dot” looking scars caused by a FUE hair transplant.

    Thousands of men and women who are trapped with their thinning hair or a botched hair transplant scar will testify that Scalp MicroPigmentation is a life-changing experience.

    There are three different conditions where Scalp MicroPigmentation can help:

    1. A shaved / buzzed look – You don’t have to hide under your hat! A clean, shaved, or buzzed haircut can help you look and feel great again. SMP creates a “five o’clock shadow” look, so the horseshoe-shaped bald pattern can be covered.

    2. Thinning Hair – You don’t have to worry about the wind, sweating, getting your hair wet or standing under a bright bathroom or shop light! SMP can work as a permanent concealer for thinning hair. SMP can reduce the contrast between hair and skin, particularly dark hair and fair complexions. Many temporary topical powders or fiber concealers such as Dermmatch, Toppik, and Caboki work well, but they can be messy. You cannot sweat or get your hair wet because the product will come off. Just as your hair always looks better in dim evening shade, SMP creates a permanent shade effect on your scalp.

    3. Scalp Scars – You don’t have to worry about coming down an escalator or sitting in the front row because you are concerned someone will see your hair transplant scar. SMP can work to disguise the scar on the back of your head from a strip surgery, or hide the dots from an FUE surgery. You can wear your hair shorter without worrying about someone noticing your scar.

    SMP is like a conventional tattoo in that the pigment is deposited under your skin surface in the dermal layer of skin. The dermal layer of skin is the permanent layer. However, unlike a traditional tattoo, SMP is deposited in the upper dermal layer (just deep enough to make it permanent). A traditional tattoo is deposited deep into the dermal layer. The shallow application is what makes the SMP appear more like a hair follicle (5 o’clock shadow) and not a blob of tattoo ink. Unfortunately, the shallow depth can also push the SMP pigment up to the skin surface and can result in fading over time. Some clients may require a touch up after a few years.

    SMP is obviously not real hair, but it can closely replicate the 5 o’clock shadow of a shaved scalp. If you keep your scalp shaved, SMP can look undetectable even up close. Of course, the quality of work depends on the skills of the practitioner as well as the pigment. It is an art form as much as it is a technical specialty that requires artistic flair and traits.

    The answer is not straight forward. Often clients want to have SMP so they can wear their hair short without worrying about a previous hair transplant scar showing through. SMP can disguise a linear hair transplant scar or patchy FUE scars, but there is an important limitation. You cannot keep your hair too short or the shape of the scar will show through like a line or a step in the contour of your hair. In addition, in certain lighting conditions and angles, the scar will be apparent to the discerning eye.

    Also keep in mind the fact you are seeing the SMP pigment under a layer of translucent skin, so you cannot expect it to replace the feeling of a hair shaft as it grows. In other words, SMP is not a substitute for real hair. When your scalp is shaved or your hair is very short (1mm), SMP will blend in and disguise the scar. However, as your hair grows out past 1mm, the texture of your hair will not match with the flat SMP layer. You will notice a gap

    SMP can fade over time. There are many factors that can cause SMP to fade. The type of fading can be divided into two categories:

    • Extrinsic fading (You can take steps to minimize this type of fading.)
    • Sun (ultraviolet light) exposure (limit sun exposure or use sunscreen)
    • Topical products that contain alcohol (Minoxidil, hairspray, etc).
    • Poor quality of the SMP pigment (important to choose the best SMP provider)
    • Untrained SMP practitioner (important to choose the best SMP practitioner)
    • Washing your scalp in the first 3 days with soap/shampoo
    • Using a hot sauna or steam room in the first 3 days (light exercise and sweating is ok)
    • Intrinsic fading: <1% of our clients have this issue. Unfortunately, you cannot do much to avoid this type of fading.
    • Natural exfoliation of the skin. Everyone naturally exfoliates. Your body’s immune system will always try to remove foreign particles such as SMP pigment.
    • Some parts of the scalp fade faster than other parts (even without any scarring).

    Clients have different experiences with the degree of fading due to the reasons listed above. In rare cases, the SMP seems to fade much faster than the average client. When this happens, touch-ups are required more frequently.

    To avoid extrinsic fading, you should find the best SMP provider using the best quality pigments and avoid sun and products containing alcohol.

    You cannot completely avoid intrinsic fading. To address intrinsic fading, you may need more SMP sessions or touch-ups than the typical SMP client. Most clients do not need a full touch-up for several years. Less than 1% of clients may need a touch up every year due to the fading. In rare cases, we may have to try different brand of pigments, or apply the SMP much deeper (like a regular tattoo), which may cause it to look blotchy.

    SMP is like a tattoo in that the pigment is deposited under your skin surface in the dermal layer of skin. The dermal layer of skin is the permanent layer. However, unlike a traditional tattoo, SMP is deposited in the upper dermal layer, so it is deep enough in the skin to make it permanent. The shallow application is what makes the SMP appear more like a hair follicle (or 5 o’clock shadow) and not a blob of tattoo ink. A traditional tattoo, on the other hand, is deposited deep into the dermal layer.

    Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP) is NOT a tattoo, it is a specialist skin pigmentation treatment that is directly applied to the upper dermis of the scalp. HIS Hair Clinic is not a tattoo parlour or tattoo studio, we are a professional hair clinic and the world’s first Scalp MicroPigmentation company to specialise in this innovative hair loss treatment.

    As with all great inventions other people try to copy what we do; unfortunately for them HIS Hair remains the global leader and most experienced company for this type of hair loss treatment.

    What is the difference between a tattoo and SMP?

    The main difference between a tattoo and SMP is that SMP is more semi-permanent and uses a completely natural pigment. SMP uses specialist pigments created for the scalp, not general tattoo inks.

    Touch-ups maybe necessary after say 5 to 10 years because SMP is not as permanent as a tattoo.

    We are often asked by potential clients from the Muslim community if it’s OK for them to undergo SMP. Naturally they are concerned because they think SMP is a tattoo. The most important advice we give to every individual is that they MUST interpret their understanding of their religious beliefs. However, as far as we are concerned, SMP is NOT a tattoo and we are NOT tattoo artists. We are artistic hair loss specialists and we were the first clinic to set up a dedicated SMP clinic in the Middle East.

    A local Imam said: “There is nothing wrong for you to have SMP because it is considered as a treatment of ailment and especially as the treatment is temporary. Baldness is like any other ailment, you are allowed to use any treatment to cure it whether that is colouring or hair planting.”

    Yes, SMP can be used to define the hairline. Some of our clients request a natural, soft hairline while others ask for a more defined and linear hairline. Each and every clients preference is different, and we always try our best to accommodate their goals. If your goals and expectations are unreasonable, our practitioners will let you know.

    Yes, we offer SMP for the beard to achieve a fuller and thicker look or to conceal a scar. We can even create a permanent 5 o’clock shadow.

    Our practitioners use SMP pigment to create a shadow effect much like a 5 o’clock shadow. We also take into consideration your skin and hair colour.

    We recommend that our clients return after 7 days to receive their 2nd session and within the first month if a 3rd session is required. This allows enough time for the skin to exfoliate. The interval between each session can be custom tailored to your scheduling needs. There is no issue with slightly shorter or slightly longer waiting times in between sessions.

    Each session can last between 2 – 4 hours. You can resume normal daily activities after your SMP session.

    No, you do not need to shave your head before each SMP session. We recommend you wear your hair at your desired styling length so we can blend the SMP into your hair.

    Our practitioners use SMP pigment to create a shadow effect much like a 5 o’clock shadow. We also take into consideration your skin and hair colour.

    No, you do not need to shave your head before each SMP session. We recommend you wear your hair at your desired styling length so we can blend the SMP into your hair.

    Each session can last between 2 – 4 hours. You can resume normal daily activities after your SMP session.

    We recommend that our clients return after 7 days to receive their 2nd session and within the first month if a 3rd session is required. This allows enough time for the skin to exfoliate. The interval between each session can be custom tailored to your scheduling needs. There is no issue with slightly shorter or slightly longer waiting times in between sessions.

    Scalp Micropigmentation is like a tattoo, and it should be lifelong. But just as a tattoo fades over time, so may SMP. Each client will experience some degree of fading. In our experience, after a 5 year follow-up, 4 out of 5 clients are satisfied with their results and do not need or want a touch-up. However, there are discerning clients who request a touch up after 1-2 years.

    SMP blends in with the thinning or balding areas on the scalp. With the right technique of a skilled practitioner, you should not be able to tell that someone has had SMP, even up close.

    Scalp Micropigmentation
    SMP Before and Afters London
    SMP Before and Afters Birmingham
    SMP Before and Afters London
    Scalp Micropigmentation before and afters
    Scalp Micropigmentation Results Birmingham
    Scalp Micropigmentation Results London
    SMP to Cover Hair Transplant Scars Before and Afters London

    We started his hair clinic with the aim of making a positive difference to people suffering with hair loss

    Ian Watson
    Co-Founder – HIS Hair Clinic

    His Hair Clinic has always been recognised as the best when it comes to Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP). Why? Simply because we invented SMP, created the market and trained most of the world’s best known practitioners.

    Now clients can personally receive their SMP treatment from Ranbir and myself. With over 18 years experience, if you want the best, you can now have the best!

    Ranbir Rai-Watson
    Co-Founder – HIS Hair Clinic

    Today, our clinics around the world help thousands of people to grow in confidence thanks to our innovative Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP) treatment. We’re very proud of our reputation as the leaders in our field, as well as the expertise of each and every one of our practitioners, who train at the HIS Hair Clinic Academy. It’s a testament to our ethos of always putting the customer at the heart of everything we do.

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