One follicularly-challenged man tells us why he thinks bald is beautiful

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This man dealt with hair loss by shaving it all off

This man dealt with hair loss by shaving it all offWe’re constantly being told that hair loss is one of the worst things that can happen to a man, but what about those men who deal with bald patches by going the other way – and shaving it all off?

This recent blog post is not shy in pointing out the downside of baldness, but it also asks a question that isn’t being asked enough: what’s so wrong about baldness anyway? After all, if you took a walk through your local vicinity, you’ll see shaven men of all ages who seem to be getting on with their lives without wanting to cower in doorways.

There’s no place like dome

One comment on the piece – from a man who confronted his hair loss issues by taking a razor to them – was even better than the piece itself:

“The feeling of a crisp breeze all over your scalp for the first time is incredible. Likewise, jumping into the ocean (or lake) is a similarly breathtaking experience sans-follicles. For the first few days, it was practically sensory overload! I loved it. Then I began to notice the more practical aspects: no more purchasing shampoo and conditioner. Showers were suddenly a lot quicker).

“Trips to the barber shop? Hah! I spent roughly $30 on a Conair electric trimmer…THAT was my hair salon. Getting ready in the morning consisted of brushing my teeth and washing my face…no need to futz about with any unruly fur… It was liberating, to say the least.

“I think everyone, male or female, should willingly experience a shaved head at least once in their lives. The freedom of having no hair really puts into perspective just how much time, money, and energy we put into our daily routines. Plus, in this day and age, a person who can exude confidence AND have no locks…that’s pretty attractive. :)”

Follow his lead

Moral of the story: if you’re thinking of taking steps to deal with your hair loss issue, maybe you should see what you look like with no hair at all. If you don’t like it, what you’ve got will always grow back. If you have the right head shape, on the other hand, who knows – you might just like what you see…

And if you’re not quite confident enough to go for the completely hair-free look, why not try SMP to give the impression of a buzz cut?


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