HIS Hair Clinic Scalp Micropigmentation – A Cut Above The Rest

General Hair Loss, SMP Information

Since performing the world’s first Scalp Micropigmentation back in 2002 and opening their doors to the public three years later, HIS Hair Clinic have consistently led the industry in developing new equipment, pigments and techniques. We take a closer look.


Success Is 1% Inspiration 99% Perspiration


If you have done your research on SMP you will know that HIS developed the treatment, the very first was delivered in 2002 by one founder of the business, Ranbir Rai-Watson, on her brother in law, Ian Watson, her co-founder. Ranbir has a deeply academic background and brought that intellectual rigour to the table when driving scalp micropigmentation forward… A testament to that rigorous, determined and deliberate approach is that it would be another three years before the clinic doors would open to the public… There is probably no better example of the difference in approach between HIS and the rest, given that most open on the back of a short training course, often taken online.

Over the years this has seen steady improvements to the equipment, the pigments and most notably the techniques. Before we go on it is worth mentioning that Ian Watson is still sporting the same treatment he received all those years ago, though that freakish longevity is, naturally, the longest between touch ups on record.

Onwards And Upwards


To say that HIS has led the way in bringing these improvements to the treatment is an understatement, HIS have introduced every single one. These advances have included layering pigments of different shades to improve the realism of the finished treatment… the so-called “3D effect”. Then there was the broken hairline… it is easy to forget that sharp hairlines were very much in vogue when SMP was born. To read more about the style options available from HIS click here. Moving SMP with the times has been at the heart of product development, most recently combining FUE transplant with Scalp Micropigmentation to finally achieve a genuine 3D effect… at reasonable cost and with outstanding results. To read more about this click here

A Cut Above The Rest

The confidence of our practitioners, every one of them trained extensively by HIS, manifested itself most recently with the additional option, at no extra charge, of that must have for young men with buzz cut hair, the tramline. Some prefer a small scar to add extra authenticity, as if it were needed, and interest to the look. To produce this look on a client with real hair takes one careful swipe with the clippers, to produce it using SMP requires skill and experience.

HIS Hair Clinic


The truth is that there are no safer hands in this fast-growing industry than the originators of Scalp Micropigmentation. That may have been an obvious truth 10 years ago when HIS were the only game in town, the decade since has seen a lot of copycats enter the market. Spurning the option to achieve fast growth through methods more appropriate for fast food outlets (where franchisees pay good money for horrendously sub-standard training courses and the “right” to trade under the franchisor’s name),  HIS have always stuck to their principled approach of training practitioners over months, it might be years before they can take over their own clinic, and guaranteeing their work.





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