Man sheds tears of joy after bad SMP job gets fixed

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Man sheds tears of joy after bad SMP job gets fixed

Man sheds tears of joy after bad SMP job gets fixedScalp micropigmentation (SMP) is one of the fastest growing and most popular treatment for men struggling with hair loss. Normally the procedure is carried out over 1-3 sessions by a skilled practitioner who carefully layers pigment in the scalp to create a startlingly realistic 3d illusion of real hair. The results are usually indistinguishable from a real buzz cut even to close friends and family. This however wasn’t the experience of one Anchorage resident.

A botched job

Nathan Rollins (31) had decided that SMP was for him, based on the research he’d carried out. Losing your hair in your 20s can be a traumatic experience and SMP seemed to be the way forward. It’s a relatively cheap, permanent solution to hair loss that requires zero maintenance so he went into the procedure feeling pretty optimistic.

Unfortunately, he’d picked the wrong practitioner and the results were disastrous. The top of his head looked like it had been dotted with a magic marker and in Rollins words “after my first session I was so depressed that I didn’t want to live any more”.

Fortunately for Rollins he decided to seek out a more reputable practice run by Jonathan Gerow, based in New York where the “botched” job was corrected. Thanks to Gerow’s expertise and years of experience he was able to blend the original marker pen sized dots in with thousands and thousands of tiny dots which “added a lot more density to the scalp so you couldn’t see them any more.” After the job was complete Rollins stood in front of the mirror and cried. By all accounts Gerow was choking up too.

Do your homework and pick the right clinic

SMP really is a marvellous way of dealing with hair loss but it’s vital that you check into a reputable clinic with a strong reputation and a history of case studies that they can demonstrate. Always visit for a consultation first and make sure you feel comfortable with the premises and the people. Don’t feel pressured by sales techniques. Ask for credentials and references. As long as you do your homework then there should be no need to go through Nathan Rollins’ experience.


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