Just recently we have noticed a sharp increase in the number of clients contacting us in error to ask for regular head tattoo work.
We believe that the fairly common usage of the term ‘head tattoo’ to describe the MHT® scalp pigmentation we pioneered may have contributed to a certain amount of confusion about what HIS Hair Clinics do and do not do. We felt it was prudent to clear up a few mis-truths.
MHT® scalp pigmentation is nothing like a regular head tattoo. Whereas most people wanting a head tattoo do so for artistic reasons, our treatment is designed for those individuals who suffer from hair loss and want to camouflage their baldness. HIS Hair Clinics is not a tattoo parlour and does not therefore offer any kind of regular tattooing services.
Similarly for hair loss solutions, sufferers should never approach a regular tattoo artist for a head tattoo to cover thinning or balding hair. A head tattoo for artistic purposes and a head tattoo for clinical purposes are two completely different processes.
The image below shows a client’s head following an MHT® head tattoo treatment to camouflage his hair loss:
The image below shows the head of a man with a head tattoo applied for artistic purposes:
Whilst we welcome enquiries from anyone interested in learning more about head tattooing and how it can be used as a hair loss solution, we would like to politely re-iterate that we do not offer conventional tattoo services of any kind, including head tattoo services. We would advise any clients looking for a conventional tattoo to seek out their local tattoo parlour.