The why’s and wherefore’s as to why it happens to some men & not to others are still not entirely explained. However, there’s no denying that it does. Whether it strikes in your teens or later in the life the experience is never pleasant. However, because most men feel it is not masculine to care about one’s appearance nor to show weakness or vulnerability of any sort the experience usually goes unnoticed by family and friends. However, inside the man will usually feel his sexual appeal slowly ebbing away. On top of this, because most of your peers are unaware of this and because it’s so much “in-your-face” there’s the temptation for them to make jokes and snide remarks about it. This can lead to feelings of inferiority and resentment to one’s peers.
My experience of hair loss involved a great deal of denial. Despite having a genetic predisposition towards it (i.e. my mother’s father went bald) I still didn’t think it would happen to me. I think it was when I received a spam email about a completely bald man who’d had a hair transplant that I became aware of the dramatic difference that having no hair made to one’s appearance. Then the penny dropped. I began researching treatments for it. I started where most people start with the hair-piece solution. However, I quickly realised this was far from an answer. Not only was it very difficult (& expensive) to find realistic looking hairpieces but there were many other issues regarding it. How did I go about doing it without anyone knowing? The constant time-consuming (& expensive) maintenance and we all know about the stigma associated with wearing a hair-piece too. So I began to feel that this was not a worthwhile option.
Then I started investigating the many, many, many treatments that were available. I investigated the mechanics behind hair-loss and discovered that it was not testosterone, but di-hydrotestosterone that caused hair-loss. There are products on the market nowadays that can inhibit the transfer of testosterone to di-hydrotestosterone now. However, these come at a price. Not only do you have to take them for the rest of your life but they usually have some sexual side-effects. My experience of them was that they only, at best, slowed down the hair-loss, although the sexual side-effects were small. This story is not over yet and I’m currently using a combination of topological drugs which do seem to be halting the hair-loss. However, not only are they quite expensive but they are not reversing it but merely keeping the tide at bay, as it were.
It was then that I started looking into hair transplant surgery. This was, in my opinion, the most dangerous and deadly track I treaded. Not only is the procedure both brutal and expensive the results are variable, at best. Worse still, what they don’t want you to know is, is that as the remaining hair falls out that you will be left with odd-looking patches where the transplanted testosterone-resistant hair remains in place whilst the surrounding non-testosterone-resistant hair falls out. The only way to prevent this is to wait until you have complete pattern baldness. Then, only the very best (& expensive) surgeons in the world can come anywhere close to using the remaining hair on the back & sides of the head to create “the illusion” of a full head of hair – for that is what it is. The hairs have to be carefully transplanted and placed in such a manner as to create a low-density spread of hair. Close inspection of the head can reveal this. However, that said, to be fair, it is remarkable what can be done and many people are very pleased with the results. However, there is always a risk whenever you go under the knife and many people come away dismayed. The only way to guarantee satisfaction is to go to the very best practices and pay many thousands of pounds. Is it worth it? I would say not but then it depends on how much money you have and how much it bothers you, I suppose.
As my hair began to thin more & more my hair style became ever shorter and shorter. This didn’t worry me. Most people seemed to be of the opinion that it suited me and I had to agree. However, when the time came for me to have to start shaving it all off then I hit a hard place. I did not like the look. I felt it was too extreme and harsh looking and I felt it made me look “odd”. I have fair skin and a tanned look can temper this somewhat so I took to wearing fake-tan. It has a slightly unnatural look but unless you’ve worn it yourself you wouldn’t know. I also grew a beard (which was ginger!) to detract from the bald head and was resigned to the fact that this was to be my “new look” that I’d have to wear for the rest of my life. I’ve always taken pride in my appearance and, although I am somewhat overweight (a constant battle, I’m afraid) I do work-out regularly and try to dress in fashionable, smart clothes. My investigations into hair-loss continued though but now more out of curiosity than anything. Hair-cloning has been talked about for many years and the whole hair-loss issue had started to become somewhat of a casual interest – if not a hobby, in fact.
However, in truth, the issue had become somewhat of a complex and there was still a large element of denial. I think it was when someone in the office placed a photograph of “Uncle Fester” on my desk after a disagreement and mentioned that I was, by now, almost completely bald that it really hit home and, what I had known would probably happen eventually a couple of years ago, had now arrived. The anxiety levels started to rise at this stage as the sad truth dawned on me that I was now “one of the baldies”. The feelings were somewhat mixed. Part of me felt a new belonging to a new minority group. I am a homosexual and have been part of a stigmatised group for most of my life.
Whether it was by blind luck, or sheer chance I now, accidentally, stumbled across this new MHT technique. Because of my sexual orientation I had been aware of a certain porn star (Francois Sagat) who had also experienced hair-loss. His reaction was to tattoo his head with a simulated hairstyle. Although the appearance was noticeably fake it did create a certain effect. The bordering around the face removed the older looking effect that a receding hair-line has and it’s not done his career any harm as he now stands out from many of his colleagues. However, the down-side is that people can instantly see it’s fake. This did not seem to be the case with the MHT technique. At first I didn’t believe it and it took a little while for me to be convinced. However, I quickly realised that it was, in fact, for real….
From the start HIS impressed me. Not only did they seem to be passionate about the product that they were offering but they seemed to genuinely believe that what they were offering was potentially life-changing. It was developed by them, almost single-handedly and a lot of time and effort had been spent in trying to ensure that this was exactly what it said on the tin – an innovative solution for people (almost exclusively men) who are suffering from hair loss. The accepted method of dealing with it nowadays is to simply shave your head. Partly for this reason the shaved head hairstyle has slowly become an accepted, and even fashionable, hairstyle. It is this trend that HIS has capitalised upon.
That said, even with the closest blade and daily shaving it is still quite obvious that a man has pattern baldness. However, the remarkable product that HIS is offering is a method of artificially creating a semi-permanent tattoo on the head which can give the illusion of a shaved head. Obviously this is no mean feat and requires several hours and multiple sessions in order to perfect the effect. However, it CAN be done. And indeed, it already has! Many times, in fact.
It’s been several weeks now since I underwent “The Procedure” and, although I had to wear a hat for a few days after the first session due to the redness (and there’s even a story about that!), the transformation has (for the most part) gone completely un-noticed. Indeed, even my own father has not even realised yet. The transformation is not quite as dramatic as a hair transplant but, rather like having a new haircut, people seemed to notice that there was something different about me. However, I’m rather proud of what I’ve had done and never saw any point in trying to keep it secret. As long as I shave my head every day, the effect is imperceptible. Indeed, the only way to tell is to actually run your hand across my head and feel where there is and isn’t stubble growing. It’s that good!
Was it painful? Well, yes, a little. However, since I’ve had it done I’ve had a REAL tattoo done on my back and I can tell you that was MUCH more painful. However, when compared to the pain of having to spend the rest of my life walking round with a bald head it was nothing. You only have to look at their web-site to discover the truth. There have been many, many satisfied customers. Indeed, there are a few who are now rather concerned as to exactly what might happen should (heaven forbid) anything happen to one of them! Myself included! Lol!
But make no bones about it; if you’re a man who’s concerned about going bald then this is, in my opinion, the only realistic alternative to shaving your head. As explained previously there is no real answer to hair-loss. We’ve all seen men who wear toupees and sometimes laugh at how obvious they are. Hair transplants can work but, as explained, this can come at a price. The issue regarding it is difficult to explain to someone who hasn’t been through it themselves. Indeed, I’m ashamed to admit that, before I underwent the experience myself I used to wonder what all the fuss was about. It’s just part of growing old, isn’t it? Well, no, it isn’t.
Shortly after (and even during) the treatment, as I started to realise that I was regaining my hair (to a degree) after more than ten years of losing it I started to feel a regaining of youth. People (especially women, and some men) started reacting to me differently. Even slight hair loss can age you and by now I had almost complete pattern baldness. This puts AT LEAST ten years onto you. Plus, it looks daft! That’s why it’s so serious. It’s this combination of effects, this double-whammy that knocks so many men for six. As mentioned though, I was all set to take it on the chin, like almost all men. However, always one to try something new I didn’t take too much convincing to take the plunge.
So why haven’t you heard about it? Well, there’s a few reasons. It’s very new and not widely advertised. It’s a slightly unorthodox (although highly innovative) method of dealing with hair loss and should only (in my opinion) be opted for when you have close to complete pattern baldness. This, of course, is due to the necessity to have to completely shave your head (with a blade) every day for the rest of your life. Don’t enter into this half-heartedly. Like any tattoo, once it’s done, it’s pretty well done and virtually impossible to reverse. However, that said, would you really want to. There is also a small down-side. The tattoo will require constant maintenance for the rest of your life. As with any dye, UV light will cause it to fade. As this occurs, it will become more and more noticeable until, eventually, it will need a top-up. Wearing UV filters on a daily basis and hats will obviously prologue this and it may well be possible that some 3-5 years may pass before this is necessary.
However, the most bizarre response that I’ve had has been off men who are bald. A few have reacted quite strongly, in fact. It’s like I’ve defied convention and “done an Elton” or something. Lol! It would be very difficult for these men to undergo such a procedure for they have usually maintained that they didn’t care. Maybe they didn’t, or more likely, they’ve convinced themselves that they didn’t ‘cos they knew there was nothing else they could do but to shave it all off. Well, now there is something you can do. Yes, it costs money, but then again, doesn’t everything worth buying?