When hair transplants go wrong: why you need to be the right candidate

Hair Transplant Surgery
when hair transplants go wrong

When hair transplants go wrongWe’re all aware that interest in hair transplants is booming, but that also means horror stories about failed procedures are on the rise too.

And they’re not always scare stories: while successful transplants can ensure that 95-85% of the transplanted hair will bed in, in extreme cases the transplanted hair can go into shock and falls out.

So are you a fit and proper candidate? There are two main requirements to bear in mind:


It’s possible to have a hair transplant under the age of 18, but there are complications. For starters, there’s very little to go on as to how the pattern baldness is going to evolve, so it’s very hard to predict the severity of the patient’s future hair loss.

Another important factor is tempering the expectations of the younger client: usually all they have to go on is the much lower hairline they had as a child, which is not suitable for a more mature person. The preferred age for new hair transplant candidates is over 30 – by that time the hair loss pattern has become fully established.


If you are undergoing serious medical issues, your potential surgeon won’t touch you. It’s possible to undergo a transplant whilst being treated for diabetes, of if you’re on medications like blood thinners, but your surgeon will have to be made fully aware of your situation – and they will have expected you to discuss your plans with your GP beforehand and been cleared to undergo an out-patient cosmetic procedure.

Moral of the story: while all professional hair loss surgeries will be completely upfront with your suitability for a transplant, it pays to be fully prepared before you take the first step.


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