Time for another transplant, Wayne?

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery, SMP Information

Wayne-Rooney-2015-10-21The Daily Mail, a paper that never shies away from commenting on celebrities’ looks has recently run an article pointing out that Wane Rooney’s hair was thinning on top.

The article goes on to detail a list of semi successful transplant procedures that Rooney has undergone since he first started to lose his hair in his twenties. In one year alone he apparently spent £15,000 on extensive hair transplant surgery.

Hair Transplants, the Long Haul

The truth of the matter is that, although hair transplants can be very successful they often fail and can leave the hair thinning in patches which have the potential to look worse than the condition they were trying to treat. This means that anyone electing to undergo the transplant route should prepare for the long haul and ensure that they have the financial wherewithal.

An alternative to the transplant which is growing significantly in popularity is scalp micropigmentation. Unlike a transplant the procedure is non-invasive, much cheaper and has permanent hassle free results.

SMP – what is it?

The procedure works by replicating real shaven hair on the scalp. Over the course of two or three sessions the 3D illusion of layered hair is created with results that are often indistinguishable from the real thing.

Many men who have undergone the procedure report life changing effects as a result of improved self-image and confidence that had fallen away with their hair.

It’s a versatile procedure that can be applied to complete or partially bald scalps and completely camouflage scars, birthmarks or the symptoms of alopecia, however severe or recurrent.

Of course it will never replace long curly locks but in terms of creating a permanent clean cut, cropped hair style there is no better solution available today. Maybe it’s time for Wayne to give up on the transplants and invest in SMP.


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SMP For Those With Diffuse Thinning And An Intact Hairline
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When hair transplants go wrong: why you need to be the right candidate

