In the strictest sense, hair implants are simply hair that has been implanted using the FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant technique. In fact, there is no difference whatsoever between hair implants and a FUE procedure, they are simply two terminologies used to describe the same technique.
Hair implants involves moving hair follicles from one place on the body to another. The most common hair implant donor areas are the back of the head, where hair is more resilient to balding, and other areas of the body including the legs, back and torso.
What are the advantages of hair implants?
For some hair loss sufferers, hair implants and hair transplant surgery can provide the answer to their hair loss problems. Not taking into account further ongoing hair loss, implants are generally permanent, and provided sufficient hair can be donated from elsewhere on the body, the final appearance can be pretty convincing.
What are the disadvantages?
For many, hair implants offer a viable solution for hair loss, however in many cases, there is insufficient donor hair available to recreate a full, thick head of hair. There is also the issue that depending on the individual, donor hair taken from elsewhere on the body may not match the remaining scalp hair.
Furthermore, although it is possible to reduce hair transplant scar tissue using modern techniques, we still treat clients on a regular basis who have experienced significant scarring of the scalp and donor area, following a hair implant procedure.
Can hair implants and MHT® be combined?
Yes. In fact, MHT® offers the ideal compliment to a hair implant procedure where there is insufficient donor hair available. By applying the MHT® technique to the scalp, the finished result is the appearance of a thicker, fuller, more natural head of hair.
For more information see our Hair Transplant and MHT® section.