Chelsea’s Antonio Conte Had Three Hair Transplants


Antonio ConteHair transplants appear to be a popular choice for footballers today. Wayne Rooney appeared to start the trend after his Tweet confession in 2011. Since then, several footballers have admitted to undergoing a transplant to restore their balding hair. The latest is Chelsea’s suspected new manager Antonio Conte.

Conte admits to having three hair transplants

In order to achieve a perfect look, Conte underwent not one, not two, but three hair transplants. It was a decision made shortly after retiring from football to become a manager.

Initially it’s thought he tried to cover up his bald patch by undergoing two transplants in his home country, Italy. After those failed, he visited the Hasson and Wong clinic situated in Canada. It’s actually not uncommon for hair transplants to fail on the first attempt. Many people need several transplants in order to get the results they’re expecting.

Covering the story, The Sun newspaper highlighted how Conte is likely to be taunted for undergoing a transplant. However, it’s highly unlikely seeing as though he isn’t the first famous footballer to undergo the procedure.

Wayne Rooney set in motion a trend that’s showing no signs of slowing down.

Liverpool icon, Did Hammann, confessed just last year that he’d also undergone a hair transplant after being inspired by Rooney. He opted to have the procedure in Manchester and he decided to share his experience to help break the stigma for other men.

So is this just a footballer thing or are hair transplants a good option for anyone?

Hair transplants prove a popular treatment for hair loss

While footballers may have started the trend, the number of hair transplant procedures have significantly increased over the past decade. More than 300,000 hair transplants are carried out in the UK each year.
Alongside topical treatments, they are proven to restore the hair, helping to boost confidence and give back those youthful locks. The only problem is, it’s an expensive treatment. Not everyone will be able to afford a hair transplant so what other options are out there?

If you’re on a budget, topical Minoxidil and prescription treatment Finasteride could be an ideal alternative. However, before trying out any treatment it’s important to seek advice from your GP. Establishing the cause of baldness is vital in determining how it should be treated.

Overall footballers have certainly had a massive impact on the amount of men seeking hair transplants. Chelsea’s Antonio Conte is unlikely to be the last to use this form of hair restoration treatment.


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