Silver Linings For Bald Men

General Hair Loss

It is hard to imagine any upside when discovering your own hair loss for the first time, but there are plenty. We take a closer look.



Anger, Denial, Acceptance, Bargaining and Propecia


There is little about growing older that makes a positive impression, but beginning to lose your hair is high on the list of the most distressing… for many at least. The five recognised stages of grief will be familiar to many who have suffered through the process. Anger and denial can last an unspecified amount of time… but once you reach acceptance then choices need to be made. Whether you decide that hair loss is something you can live with or if you feel compelled to do something about it is very much down to the individual. There are plenty of solutions out there, approved and efficacious solutions that have stood the test of time, and others that are the result of innovative research but which are less well supported by data.

The good news is, however you may feel about your hair loss, that the new is not all bad. Over the years plenty of research has been conducted to investigate how people feel about men with hair loss, with many interesting and positive results. Even more recently Dr. Muscarella of Barry University in Florida who has conducted much research in this area, spoke to the Mail Online about other unpublished results that only serve to cast more doubt on just attractive the opposite sex find bald men.

What The Studies Show


It turns out there is a long list of positive attributes which are sub-conciously attributed to bald men. In fact, the list is a set of highly desirable personal traits that we would all do well to live up to. They are seen as dominant, educated and honest. Intelligent with high levels of diplomacy and low levels of aggression. Dr. Muscarella has postulated that it amounts to a benign, non-threatening dominance – so baldness has evolved as an appeasement signal but one that carries weight.

Dr. Muscarella’s team, looking to understand why the baldness gene would be passed on, asked questions investigating four key areas: physical attractiveness; Aggression; Social Maturity (which covered aspects such as honesty, intelligence and social status). Their conclusions fully supported Dr. Muscarella’s theory of benign dominance… with any loss of physical attractiveness more than offset by that perception of higher social dominance.

One interesting result, as yet unpublished, was that their research showed that bald men would have the same number of sexual partners over the lifetime as their hairy brethren… with the clear implication that baldness is no impediment to attracting women.

Washington Study Points To Prostrate Cancer Prevention

washington uni

One surprising result of a 2010 study, led by Professor Jonathan Wright of the University of Washington School of Medicine, discovered that men in his study who had suffered from male pattern baldness were between 29 and 45% less likely to develop prostrate cancer. Now that really is a silver lining.

HIS Hair Clinic


Naturally, here at HIS HQ we are big fans of this type of research, it never fails to throw up positives and cast baldness in a better light. We believe that a Scalp Micropigmentation delivers relief from that loss of attractiveness while still allowing the wearer to benefit from that long list of social subliminal signals… and of course the reduced risk of prostrate cancer. All in all a fantastic win-win deal.

If you are ready to discuss your hair loss situation with one of our friendly team of experts then simply fill in the contact form at the side of this page. Or click here to find your nearest clinic.


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