The international hair loss treatment market is predicted to be worth nearly $3 billion in 2017 and it contains some of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical and beauty corporations, so sometimes the smaller success stories get lost. HIS Hair Clinic is here to make sure that even the smallest hair loss businesses get the recognition they deserve.
Necessity is the mother of invention
Tom Magliaro, a Houston resident started to go bald at 21 and decided he needed a baldness solution that was non-invasive and would be semi-permanent.
He couldn’t find anything on the market that met these criteria so, necessity being the mother of invention he decided to invent something himself and soon came up with a handmade lightweight hair system made out of human hair that didn’t require any adhesive.
Featured recently on ABC News, Magliaro explained how we was so happy with the product he had created for himself that he decided to produce and market it as Tom Magliaro’s Hair Additions.
Recently given the all clear after cancer treatment, Tom is now focused on developing the business for his clients with a renewed empathy about the importance of hair in a patient’s recovery, stating that “the emphasis is more on the relationship than it is the product itself”.
Rapid expansion into China and Europe for new product
Another tale born out of personal need is that of Giorgos Tsetis, a Wilhemina model who started losing his hair in his early 20s.
Having tried commercially available prescription drugs he was unhappy with the side effects and decided to develop something himself.
He teamed up with former fashion executive, Roland Peralta who also suffered from hair loss for a variety of reasons and together they developed Nutrafol, an ingestible product anyone with hair loss, using clinically proven natural ingredients.
The pair have just secured a first round of funding to ramp up production and marketing activity, expanding their target market from the US to China and Europe.
Whilst they may not grab the biggest headlines in hair loss treatments, the heartening thing about both Tom and Giorgos’ stories is how they turned a negative experience into a positive solution that works not just for them but their clients too.