Hair Loss For Black Women

General Hair Loss

Research presented earlier this year at the American Academy of Dermatologists indicated that almost half of African American women had suffered from hair loss. We take a closer look.


Women’s Hair Loss

Female Pattern Hair Loss

While hair loss affects as many women as it does men the problem receives far less attention. That is possibly because women are much less comfortable socially presenting with hair loss. In typical female pattern hair loss the hair is lost along the center parting. While this means it can be camouflaged with the right style most choose to take a more direct approach and head straight for the nearest hair system provider.

Female pattern hair loss is in fact only one of the possible triggers, there are a range of other possible causes which need to be ruled out… not least because some are entirely treatable offering the promise of a return to a full head of hair.  Be aware however, if your doctor confirms the problem as genetic hair loss there will be little or no hope of that full return – indeed, trichologists will tell you that if the hair is in the same condition a year after treatment begins then the lack of further deterioration should be greeted as a success.

Causes Affecting Black Women


Genetics are far and away the most common cause of hair loss, but they are a very long way from being the only one. Among the range of hair loss triggers in women are pregnancy, the menopause, illness, shock of the sort created by an accident, an injury, a bereavement… or simply being witness to a distressing event.

Beyond that are a few which are completely within our control and which disproportionately affect black women through style choices. By far the most common would be the use of harsh chemicals and/or pulling the hair into tight braids. Both will cause damage to the follicle and can flip it into a resting phase… continuing the practice which caused it can make that damage irrevocable. So while we understand the attraction, as seen in the picture above it can produce some amazing styles, it should be something you do occasionally rather than on a regular basis.

In most cases this damage, caught early enough, is completely reversible by simply stopping whatever it is you were previously doing.

HIS Hair Clinic


The team at HIS are experienced at helping women with hair loss issues, even a so called “temporary” hair loss problem might take many many months to fix. Our experts are able to make assessments and recommendations based on your individual circumstances, to book your free consultation you can complete the form on this page or click here to find your nearest HIS clinic.




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