International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery holds 24th Annual Congress

General Hair Loss
Internation Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons Annual Meeting 2016

Internation Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons Annual Meeting 2016Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas has just hosted the Annual World Congress of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS).

This non-profit making medical association boasts 1200 members throughout 70 countries and is dedicated, in its own words to, “achieving excellence in patient outcomes by promoting the highest standards of medical practice, medical ethics, and research in the medical hair restoration industry.”

Over 800 attendees

The four day conference drew over 800 physicians and assistants from around the globe and served as an opportunity to catch up with the latest hair restoration techniques, both theoretically and practically in interactive sessions, designed for “members to further hone their skills”.

The subjects on offer for the delegates included broad reaching ethical issues concerning hair restoration to precise detail about new techniques.

Sharing knowledge internationally

One of the great advantages of a global conference is the opportunity to share knowledge and techniques that have proven results in other regions and this year’s Congress is no exception with a number of such topics.

One of the surgical hair restoration techniques being presented focused on implanters, which have been used for many years in Asia and are just beginning to be adopted in other Western countries, or the popular Brazilian method of long hair transplantation.

Focus on specific hair restoration treatments

There was also a focus this year on female hair loss and hair restoration, the use of JAK Inhibitors for treating androgenetic alopecia and a detailed study of the different techniques and survey data around the use of Platelet Rich Plasma, looking at subjects such as whether injection or microneedling is a more effective way to administer PRP.

The conference is a great way to keep up with an ever changing medical landscape and the latest developments. Anyone wanting to find out more about this year’s Congress (including a full programme) and future plans can find out more here


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