Hair loss prevention

General Hair Loss
hair loss prevention

hair loss preventionThere are multiple causes of hair loss; some can be permanent whereas others are just temporary conditions which can be resolved from the correct medications, self-care and time. In order to effectively fight hair loss, the underlying condition and reasoning needs to be understood.

Common causes of hair loss

There are lots of reasons why you might be losing your hair, which is why a visit to a GP or hair loss expert is essential, but some of the most common causes include:

  • Genetics – it is estimated that up to two thirds of men will deal with some form of hair loss by the time they reach sixty years old. The main reasoning behind this is that the testosterone metabolite dihydrotestosterone (DHT) will latch onto follicle receptors, cause shrinkage therefore depriving the hair follicle from hair growth.
  • Excessive oestrogen levels – excessive oestrogen levels can indirectly trigger the hair loss cascade by increasing DHT production.
  • Medicines and drugs – some medications have the ability to slow down or stop the normal hair growth cycle, or can worsen the effects of particular hormones on hair follicles.
  • Medical conditions – some autoimmune disorders release antibodies which can attack hair follicles, or lead to conditions which ultimately affect regular hair growth.

Which treatments are available for hair loss prevention?

A recent article published by T-Nation entitled ‘How Not To Go Bald’ discusses multiple pharmacological methods of preventing hair loss. Some methods discuss involve topical treatments such as:

  • Minoxidil, which acts by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Ketoconazole, an anti-fungal agent which has been found to be able to treat fungal origin hair loss and androgenetic alopecia.
  • Spironolactone, a potent anti-androgen diuretic agent
  • Finasteride, a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor which can prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Of these topical treatments, only Minoxidil and Finasteride are FDA approved. The article also mentions alternative treatments such as growth hormones and progesterone creams and clarifies that many of the drugs are still under study and can have unwanted side effects.

Before using any such topical treatments, it is always advised to speak to a doctor so that you can receive the safest and most reliable treatments. If you are already losing your hair, a hair transplant or scalp micropigmentation procedure can help to restore natural looking hair growth or simply give the appearance of hair follicles.


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