When hair loss leads to a life of crime

General Hair Loss, SMP Information
When hair loss leads to a life of crime

When hair loss leads to a life of crimeHair loss is known to cause significant psychological distress. Often linked to a sense of identity, when the hair starts to fall out, it can really damage a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem. This in turn leads many people to take desperate measures in order to restore their precious locks. For one group of men in Florida, this meant turning to a life of crime.

Balding thieves steal wigs, colour samples and extensions

Florida police are on the hunt for a group of men who stole almost $2,000 worth of hair restoration products from a beauty supply store. The stolen goods included colour samples, extensions, and wigs. The men caught on CCTV were clearly balding and it’s thought to be the second burglary they’ve carried out in the Miami area.

These burglars aren’t the only ones who turned to crime to solve their hair loss worries. Recently, another man, from Boca Raton, was charged with stealing popular hair loss solution Rogaine. After he became desperate to regain his hair, he became involved in a theft ring which solely served to steal the proven hair loss product.

These may be extreme cases, but it does highlight just how desperate hair loss can make sufferers feel. Of course, crime doesn’t pay and the man from Boca Raton now has much bigger problems to worry about than his hair loss! Instead, these men would have been much better off visiting a hair loss expert.

What are your options?

You don’t have to turn to a life of crime to solve your hair loss worries. There are so many different solutions out there now. Hair transplants aren’t overly affordable, but there are alternative, cheaper solutions out there which are just as effective.

SMP is one of the leading hair loss solutions, offering more permanent results at a much more affordable price than a hair transplant. If your hair loss is mild or just beginning, there’s also medication and topical treatments which could be extremely effective.

Overall, with so many, affordable options out there, why risk turning to a life of crime to find a solution? Visit a hair loss expert now and see which treatments would prove most effective for you.


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