Dry shampoo and hair loss: the latest victim speaks out

General Hair Loss
dry shampoo and hair loss: another victim speaks out

dry shampoo and hair loss: another victim speaks outIt is becoming more commonplace to hear stories of how dry shampoo is causing scalp problems and even hair loss amongst its users.

Used for its convenience and application ease, the product was designed to save women countless hours constantly washing greasy hair yet it seems to be costing us more than the price of a bottle. And, despite all the stories surfacing on hair loss, dry shampoo sales are still increasing in the UK.

A salient warning

In a recent Sun article, the latest victim of dry shampoo-related hair loss has spoken out about her experiences in an aim to warn other women and men to use the product sparingly if at all. Emily Roberts, a 25 year old living in Goole, starting using the product due to her hectic lifestyle.

Dry shampoo served as a quick and easy way to breathe life back into her hair when she was too busy to devote time to a full wet wash. However, as she started to use dry shampoo even more, it began to take its toll on her scalp.

Roberts began losing her hair last year after using dry shampoo every day for several months, and claims that when she visited a specialist, he stated that the hair loss was due to her use of dry shampoo.

If used all the time, the product strips the hair of essential oils, leaving it brittle and lifeless as well as clogging up the pores of the scalp. This all contributes to an unhealthy scalp and is the main reason for the hair loss.

An ongoing problem

Roberts’ hair eventually grew back once she stopped using the product, however as recently as August, her hair began falling out again. Specialists now think that the Dry Shampoo has caused an underlying health condition on Emily’s scalp.

The dry shampoo has not only caused a physical health problem but has also affected her mental health as she is scared to leave her home due to looks from people in the street and comments about her “hairstyle”.

Roberts has said “I would urge others not to use dry shampoo or at least use it sparingly.” She is using her story to warn as many other users as possible.

Dry shampoo has enabled women and men to keep up with their hectic lifestyles, but at what cost? 1 in 4 households have a can of dry shampoo in their bathrooms ad experts are warning these people to limit the use to approximately three times a week to avoid the health conditions that is can cause.

Dry shampoo is not supposed to replace traditional wet washes which the hair needs to maintain essential oils and to stop scalp conditions from developing.


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