The power of stress in our lives to inflict a huge range of physical afflictions is widely recognised, we ask an important question – Does the sports team you follow and the associated stress of a difficult season lead to hair loss?
How Is The Season Shaping Up?
For sports fans all over the world autumn is the time of year when the new season begins to take shape, when the prospects for your team for the rest of the season hove into view. For a lucky few that will be a wonderful experience. For the rest of us it will be a mostly miserable time featuring unexpected defeats, unwanted injuries and off the field mayhem as infighting sees fall-outs between players coaches and owners. Whether you are a fanatic attending every game or an armchair fan the frustration of an under-performing team the stress is real.
The Effects Of Stress
Stress is unquestionably a recognised condition with a toxic and wide ranging effect on health. Some of the most recognised symptoms are well-known: Over-eating; Sweating; Raised Heartrate; High blood pressure. There are few others which are less well recognised though, skin irritations and digestive problems are physical manifestations but the stress can invade your sleep with vivid nightmarish dreams. So maybe it should come as no surprise that hair loss makes the list. In fact raised stress levels can push hair follicles into a resting phase, which will see the hair fall out as it normally would as part of the process… but it does not then move on into the growth phase. Stress can also trigger your body’s immune system to attack the hair follicles, a form of alopecia.
What Can I Do?
Stress can be challenging to manage but the first step is to spot the symptoms. For the average sports fan that can be just a challenge all in itself, what exactly is the difference between venting your spleen at match officials or your own team and a dangerous condition that you should be looking to address?
There would seem to be a case for taking a more sedentary approach, maybe taking more enjoyment from the overall experience and not getting bogged down in the minutia of any single season, and definitely not the slings and arrows of any given game. Look out for the comedy moments and talk about those post match as a way of not channeling anger. Of course you could always set about making a billion and buying your team, get them the players you always wanted them to have… though as a way of curing yourself of stress this probably has quite a bit to be desired.
HIS Hair Clinic
His Hair Clinic invented the procedures for SMP and opened the world’s first clinic back in 2005, today there are clinics all over the world offering the full range of hair loss solutions, while SMP has taken it’s place among those options. Quite right too! It is unique for being a non-surgical, fuss free, solution that returns clients to a totally convincing full head of hair. To discuss your individual situation with one of our experts at a free consultation just click here to find your nearest clinic.