Can these foods stop seasonal hair loss?

General Hair Loss, Hair Loss Drugs, Other solutions
hair loss diet

hair loss dietA new study published within the British Journal of Dermatology, has revealed hair loss can peak during the late summer and early in autumn. Seasonal hair loss isn’t new, but very few men are aware of the effects the weather can have of the hair. So, the results of this latest study are certainly eye opening.

More interestingly, it’s also suggested that specific foods could help stop seasonal hair loss in its tracks. So, which foods should you be focusing on and are they really enough to prevent hair loss throughout the seasons?

Which foods should you be eating?

According to experts, there are certain foods which could help to prevent seasonal hair loss, or at least slow it down to make it less noticeable. It’s no secret that diet can play a huge part in the health of your hair so logically, making a few changes could significantly help.

The foods recommended by experts include:

  • Strawberries
  • Lentils
  • Foods high in Vitamin C

Strawberries are a little more difficult to get hold of in the colder winter months, but if you can find them they could help boost the hair. This is because they contain a high silica content; a trace mineral which is important for hair growth and strength.

Lentils contain several ingredients which are important for healthy hair including biotin, protein, zinc and folic acid. They’re particularly good for boosting red blood cells, making it easier for the body to carry oxygen throughout the body, including the scalp.

Foods which are high in Vitamin C, can help iron be properly absorbed into the body. Iron is especially important for the hair and deficiencies can lead to hair loss.  Vitamin C can also help to fight off free radicals which are known to cause damage to the hair.

So, these are some of the top foods you should be eating if you want to slow down and prevent seasonal hair loss. However, changes to your diet might not always be enough.

What else can you do?

As seasonal hair loss is only temporary, you won’t need permanent treatments such as hair transplants or SMP. However, there are some great effective temporary treatments on offer.

Minoxidil is perhaps the most popular due to its affordability and effectiveness. Sold in two different strengths, this topical treatment is super-easy to apply, and it’s approved by the FDA. If the hair loss is a little more severe, medications such as Finasteride could prove more useful.

Before crediting seasonal changes to your hair loss, it’s worth seeking a proper diagnosis. There’s so many different causes of hair loss and it’s crucial to identify the exact cause before treatment can prove effective.


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