When claims are made that a “natural” hair restoration product has been discovered it’s always best to remain a little sceptical. Of course, It would we be wonderful if something that was readily available or even free could fix the problem of hair loss.
It’s not as though there hasn’t been a plethora of home-made unctions, balms, creams over the centuries that all claim to solve the perennial condition of balding. The problem is that there is scant evidence that any of them work.
The stinging nettle, a natural DHT blocker
The latest natural product to fall into this category perhaps is the humble stinging nettle. It’s long been associated with health benefits and is now being presented as a potential cure for hair loss.
Actually, there is some research to indicate nettles have similar properties to commercially available and clinically proven drugs such as finasteride without some of the more unpleasant side effects of the medication. A study conducted by Nahata et Al has indicated that nettles can block DHT which is generally considered to be a strong factor in hair loss and male pattern baldness.
In addition to the DHT blocking properties Nettles have also been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory properties which could also indirectly help stem hair loss where inflammation of the scalp is involved.
Available at health food stores or just go DIY
Nettle dietary supplements are available at health food stores or if you want to avoid almost all cost you can gather your own and make nettle tea tonic or a nettle oil for rubbing directly on to the scalp which should be the best way of ensuring that the herb can get to work on the pores and follicles.
In reality though, even the greatest proponents of nettle-based hair treatments would be forced to admit that it’s very early to be touting it as a cure for baldness. If you’re worried about hair loss then an infusion of stinging nettle oil isn’t likely to do any actual harm or worsen the situation but you’d be best advised to speak to a specialist hair loss clinic or your GP about clinically proven treatments to explore first.