Wasabi for hair loss? Only in Japan

General Hair Loss
Wasabi for hair loss? Only in Japan

Wasabi for hair loss? Only in JapanA month doesn’t go by without someone, somewhere proclaiming they have found a new wonder tonic that restores hair. From onions to watermelon seeds the world is apparently full of previously unknown magical cures for baldness. It’s not just a modern phenomenon either ancient Greeks were daubing their heads with urine in ancient times, albeit with seemingly modest results.

Wasabi – the latest miracle cure

The latest miracle cure to hit the international hair loss scene is wasabi. For anyone unsure what that is it’s the fiery green stuff that you get with Sushi that has the same nasal kick that you get from a particularly pungent horseradish sauce. Actually, that’s really not surprising when you consider that the vast majority of commercially available wasabi isn’t made from the grated wasabi root but from grated horseradish.

Not a cheap solution as $100 per kilo

Apparently, it’s only the real stuff that contains the special chemical, isosaponarin which has the power to restore hair by being applied topically (smeared on the head). Just eating it unfortunately won’t do the trick. Even if the claims prove to be true, actual wasabi is pretty rare and comes with a hefty price tag at $100+ per Kilo. With that in mind it might be cheaper to have an annual hair transplant or just pay for a clinically proven drug such as Minoxidil which will be significantly less costly.

The “scientific research” comes courtesy of a wasabi company called Kinin so it may pay to be a little wary about the objectivity of the information. If hair loss is affecting you to the extent that you’re prepared to dunk your head in a bucket of real wasabi we’d recommend you speak to a professional hair loss clinic first about some of the more mundane but proven treatments that are available.


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