TOWIE star James Lock to undergo “hairline reconstruction”

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
tabloid newspapers

tabloid newspapersThe Sun suggests that James Lock has been seen, to his embarrassment, at a UK hair loss clinic. We can always rely on The Sun to have a poke at someone either for experiencing premature hair loss, or for seeking treatment to manage hair loss.

Why is James Lock seeking treatment?

Lock insists that he is not losing his hair – he is not yet 30, but even so, male pattern baldness in men in their twenties is not that uncommon. However he is happy to acknowledge a level of vanity. Fair enough for a man who hopes to continue an on-screen career as successful as it has been so far.

Self-conscious about his natural hairline, he is keen to bring it forward slightly. A profession under the bright lights of a TV set will certainly make it shine, and perhaps he has had enough of make-up artists battling with powder to reduce the glow his high-brow produces.

Whatever the reason, he has booked in to KSL Hair Clinic to have some hair from the back of his head transplanted to his hair line and he was more than happy to pose for promotional photos for the clinic recently

The treatment

The transplant – for a hairline reconstruction – will only take a few hours, during which time the specialist will painstakingly extract hair follicles from an easy to disguise area at the back of his head. Follicles will be taken either in units – tiny plugs of 4-5 follicles each – or in a single strip containing hundreds of follicles at once, from which the follicles are then removed and placed strategically along the hair line.

However it will be up to a year before the real results will be seen, due to the various phases of hair growth that exist at different times. This results in a very subtle change of appearance, and often only the client and his specialist really notice the procedure – great for people who would rather not overshare their treatment!


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