Tom Hiddleston gets his facial hair right

Beard Transplant, Celebrities
Beard transplant

Beard transplantBeards are well and truly in at the moment, but did you know not all beards look good? There’s a trick to getting facial hair just right and Tom Hiddleston has set a fine example on his recent appearance at the Thor: Ragnarok premiere according to an article in GQ.

Hiddleston looked well-groomed with his slightly long, red hair and big matching beard. So, how did the star get his facial hair just right?

Understanding the perfect beard-to-hair ratio

According to the men’s magazine the trick to having the perfect beard is to ensure it complements the hair on your head. It’s not all about growing a long, bushy beard. Instead, it should be well-groomed and well in proportion to your other facial hair.

You can take a look at before and after pictures of Hiddleston to see why beard-to-hair ration matters. His recent look isn’t the first time he’s attempted longish hair and a full beard. Back in 2011, the star boasted a similar look, only he had a much smaller, patchier beard with longer sides. Now, with shorter sides and a thicker beard, Hiddleston looks a lot more stylish and has managed to pull the look off well.

What if you struggle to grow a full beard?

Not all men are capable of growing a thick, full beard. In fact, some struggle to grow a single hair. This can be really frustrating if you want to join in with the beard trend! However, there is help available.

Beard transplants have become really popular in recent years. Similar to a hair transplant, a beard transplant can help those who do struggle to grow a thick beard. Hair is taken from the scalp and implanted into the beard area where it will grow in any style you prefer.

However, beard transplants aren’t cheap. You also need to have a suitable amount of donor hairs to transplant into the chin. If you do have the money though, beard transplants can do wonders for your confidence and help you to achieve the beard of your dreams.


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