Supermodel Delevingne Steps Out Sporting Bald Head

Celebrities, General Hair Loss

We are always interested in the media reaction to a newly bald celebrity head. So when model Cara Delevingne suddenly appeared in the press with a shaved head we took notice…



Cara Delevingne is a girl who takes her appearance seriously, a supermodel currently transitioning to a career in the movies she only recently gave an interview where she warned her next role would require her to shave her head. Lo and behold she pops up in the UK tabloid, The Sun, having been photographed with a newly clean-shaven look. These are long shots taken while she was on a break during filming for her latest movie so not exactly the airbrushed perfection we are used to from Cara.

Young, Gifted and Posh


Cara is posh. We don’t mean a little bit posh either. She grew up in a little enclave of London called Belgravia, which is not just wealthy by London standards… it is one of the richest suburbs anywhere in the world. Despite attending excellent schools Cara’s dyspraxia saw her struggle, by the age of 15 she would suffer terrible depression which she has spoken about in some detail… the period saw her self-harming and in a very sad place. Leaving school she managed a year of drama school before opting to follow her elder daughter into a modelling career – she had some experience already having appeared in her first photo shoot at the age of ten, for no less a magazine than Vogue Italia.

So by the age of 17, in 2011, having been spotted by the same woman from the Storm model agency, Sarah Doukas, who had spotted Kate Moss some years before, Cara went from her first ever catwalk show in the February to being chosen to open and close the show for Burberry by the end of the same year. The following year she would win Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards and  make her first movie appearance, alongside Keira Knightley, in a version of Anna Karenina. She was still only 18.

After 3 years of meteoric success she announced that she was quitting as a model to concentrate on her acting career, which by then was really taking off.

The Shock Of The New

cara bald

It is fair to say that her face has been her fortune. When we say face we mean her appearance of course, no small part of which is her splendid head of luxurious fair hair. It was a genuine shock to see her suddenly with no hair at all. The long lens nature of the picture means it is of very poor quality but it also means they have taken the picture at a time when Cara is clearly unprepared. Predictably, the picture is run without any attempt to improve it, a deliberate effort to make more shocking the difference between Cara with hair and without. Little wonder that women suffering from hair loss feel under such enormous pressure to do anything they can to hide it – On that note we commend the approach of Teen Vogue who commented in their piece on the same subject “Way to make those mane moves Cara”.

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We hope that when the official images are released from the movie they will go some way to redressing the balance, it would be better if they came at this widespread problem with a warmer heart.

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