Is Prince William Really Considering A Hair Transplant?

Celebrities, General Hair Loss, Hair Loss News

Today’s Star on Sunday brings us the story that after seeing Wayne Rooney’s famously transplanted fringe he now considering the treatment for himself – But is he really?

Watching Wayne

Wayne Rooney hair transplant

Saturday saw the traditional culmination to a football league season in the UK, the FA Cup final at Wembley stadium. The tournament was first played in 1871 and so is approaching 150 years of history. The competition is open to over 700 clubs, after a series of qualification rounds the big teams join in for the later stages with each season holding the promise of your local semi professional team getting the chance to play against the likes of Manchester United.

The final has become a major occasion with royal patronage. This year it was Prince William doing the honours, shaking hands with the teams before kick off and presenting the trophy at the end. This year the winning team was Manchester United and the player who received the trophy was their captain Wayne Rooney.

Wayne has had two transplants, according the Star at an estimated combined cost of over $40,000. At only a couple of years older than Wayne, Prince William cannot but have helped admiring Wayne for having done something about his hair loss… particularly as at the moment of handing over the trophy he is on a ledge above and looking directly down at the top of Wayne’s head.

Written In The Star

daily star sunday

We suspect the picture editor at the Star On Sunday needed a caption for the image of the meeting between Wayne and the Prince, the transplanted footballer shaking hands with a balding young prince was simply too tempting… Of course once you have a caption you need a story to support it. The headline indicating William is considering a transplant having met Wayne’s in person is supported in the article, but only with “pals of the prince” and “one claimed” types of evidence. Which in our opinion amounts to none at all.

The Tin Hat

royal crown

While it is one thing for someone in the public eye to suddenly change their appearance with a hair transplant, it is quite another for a future King, and a King of England too! We confidently predict that the ridicule he would become subject to would be enough to stop him ever really going ahead. Which supposes for a moment that his Dad and his Grandmother would even allow it… quite what Prince Phillip would make of the whole thing is anyone’s guess.

At least in William’s case he will eventually get a truly unique opportunity to mask his baldness… A man who has the Crown of England in a cupboard will never need to buy a baseball cap.


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