Has Kylie’s Boyfriend Had a Hair Transplant?

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
Kylie Minogue

Kylie MinogueIt would appear that hair transplants are becoming more common in the glittering worlds of top sportsmen and celebrities. Rumours have most recently circulated about Kylie Minogue’s fiancé Joshua Sasse. Although not bald yet, it is believed he decided on the hair transplant to address his thinning hair before it began to affect his self-image and confidence levels.

On the hair restoration journey

Interestingly Joshua has taken to wearing hats and scarves in all weathers which may suggest that the procedure is not complete, or he’s unhappy with the results. A hair transplant is a big commitment, not just in financial terms, but also just in the amount of time it can take to get the look you want. It can take months and even years for it all to settle down and look right.

It’s a predictable choice for Joshua given the minefield that is the hair restoration market. There are many unctions, ointments and even the possibility of a hair system but the hair transplant is the only proven way of maintaining a reasonably thick head of growing hair and delaying the aging process.

Other options

For those with less deep pockets, all is not lost. There are alternatives to the surgery or the dreaded wig, such as the less invasive Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) which can guarantee the illusion of a permanent full head of hair and is increasingly being adopted by many men.

Not to be confused with a tattoo, the procedure is carried out by highly skilled practitioners who specialise in hair loss treatments. Over the course of two or three visits a layered style is developed which is almost indistinguishable from a real “buzz cut”.

Hat’s off

When Joshua eventually removes his variously assembled head gear then hopefully he’ll be delighted with the results of his transplant but if he’s not too sure then SMP is still a great alternative. He can take some solace that, on UK dating sites at least, the crew cut is the most attractive look.


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