Something to tell us, Ryan? Giggs invests in hair loss clinic


Ryan_Giggs_UnitedThe Manchester United assistant manager may have made headlines for a variety of reasons over recent years but one of the most interesting is because he has invested an undisclosed sum into a Knutsford hair loss solutions salon, which was co-founded by former Yorkshire and England cricketer Michael Vaughan.

Michael Vaughan’s investment

Vaughan himself has spoken out about his reasons for investing in the company: “I personally understand and empathise with the desire for a good head of hair, that’s why I’m delighted to be part of [the salon] and its excellent levels of experience.

“I’ve found a permanent solution with a business and a brand I trust to put my name against.”

The 41-year-old former cricketer added that the cutting edge technology and advanced retention techniques had helped to give him a head of hair he’s not had since his 20s.

Are more sportsmen turning to hair restoration?

It isn’t uncommon to hear about sports players turning to hair restoration procedures to keep their hair. We’ve seen it before with Wayne Rooney and Antonio Conte, there was even a time when Cesc Fabregas was noticeably thinning and now he has a fuller hairline.

More and more sportsmen seem to be concerned about maintaining a full head of hair.

Perhaps this is due to a lot more importance being put on men looking young and healthy, but also the added pressure that high-profile players have to look their best. Sportsmen are commonly used to advertise brands and products, having a full head of healthy hair will undoubtedly be key in their confidence and ensuring that they are considered for these opportunities.

Balding will always have some impact on a man’s self confidence, but being in the public eye will undoubtedly heighten this and make sportsmen even more conscious of any hair loss


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