Hair loss companies cash in on the POTUS

Hair loss companies cash in on the POTUS

Hair loss companies cash in on the POTUSPresident Trump is not only trying to help combat terrorism and illegal immigration, but he’s also undergoing a more personal battle to prevent hair loss.

Trump’s hair has been a huge talking point in the lead up to his presidency. First there was speculation over whether he had undergone a controversial hair transplant in the past. Now, his long-time doctor has revealed the president is taking Propecia to maintain his thick locks, along with Tetracycline to combat rosacea.

This recent revelation has led to many beauty companies trying to cash in on Trump’s aesthetic issues.

Companies push their own hair loss solutions

Many companies specialising in hair loss products, have hit out at the Propecia drug. While it was approved by the FDA in 1997, experts claim hair loss solutions have come a long way since then and there are much better alternatives out there.

Australian Biotech company, CellMid, was one of the first to cash in on POTUS’s aesthetic issues, claiming its own Evolis was a much better alternative. While many companies specialising in rosacea treatments have also started to push their own products out there.

So, should Trump be rethinking his use of Propecia and are the other products being pushed really any better?

What’s the best hair loss solution?

There’s no doubt hair loss treatments have improved a lot since Propecia was introduced. However, many of the companies trying to cash in with their own “improved” solutions, aren’t necessarily much better.

Before seeking out a hair loss solution, the cause does need to be diagnosed. There are many causes of hair loss and each requires a different treatment. Therefore, the products being pushed by hair loss companies at the moment may not necessarily work.

One option which could help Trump is SMP. While this tattoo-style procedure is largely used to achieve a shaved head style, it can also be used to cover up balding patches in longer hair. Shading the scalp so that bald and thinning spots are hidden, SMP is a safe and long-term solution.

Overall, if you’re suffering from hair loss, it is important to get a proper diagnosis before seeking treatment. There are many potential treatments available, with SMP currently being one of the safest longest-lasting treatments to choose from.


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