Gun’n’Roses drummer opens up about hair loss treatment

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
Guns'n'Roses drummer opens up about hair loss treatment

Guns'n'Roses drummer opens up about hair loss treatmentGuns’n’Roses set the hard rock tempo in the late 1980s and early 90s. Close your eyes and try to picture the group…what can you see? Possibly Axl Rose in kilt or boxers screaming into the Mic or maybe Slash striking a pose with his guitar, wearing his famous top hat. One thing that we’ll all picture is the hair and wow! Wasn’t there a lot of it?

So, what happens now the group are hitting middle age. With over 50% of men experiencing baldness by the age of 50 surely the group are struggling to maintain the magnificent manes.

A bumpy head!

Well, recently ex drummer from the group Steven Adler opened up in an interview with Bill Burr about his approach to hair loss. As a warning to all the ageing heavy rock stars who are trying to hold on to their previously hirsute image he said, “I have the disease where I’m losing my hair, it’s called middle age, and it’s going to happen to everyone out there”.

On the basis he’s got rather a bumpy head and he wasn’t about to go bald he made the decision to plump for a hair transplant which, if looks are anything to go by has been very successful.

No longer just a private procedure

Transplants have come on leaps and bounds in the last few years with improvements in technology and techniques meaning that impressive results are all but guaranteed and that recovery downtime is kept to a minimum. There’s even a trend for celebrities to discuss what was a once a private procedure openly with the press, presumably because for the oxygen of publicity.

Although for every one that talks about it openly you have to wonder how many still keep the secret to themselves. As Adler asks rhetorically in the interview, “Do you know how many movie stars, rock stars [have had hair-loss treatment]? Dude it’s the 21st century. If you can do it, do it…there’s a list mile long.”


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