Corrie’s Alan Halsall joins the TV hair transplant crew

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
Corrie's Alan Halsall has a hair transplant

Corrie's Alan Halsall has a hair transplantThe hair transplant seems to becoming more popular. Hardly a week goes by without another celebrity announcing that they’ve had or are in the process of having the procedure to stem their hair loss with the aim of recapturing their lost youthful looks.

Not a quick decision

The latest recruit to this every burgeoning club is Coronation’s Street’s Alan Halsall. The actor who plays Tyrone Dobbs, the Street’s nice guy and mechanic finally took the decision to opt for a transplant after considering his options for a few years. Rumour has it that the final straw was a bit of impromptu mocking from Paddy McGuinness whilst he was making a cameo appearance. Like the vast majority of transplants the results are impressive and his hair is not only thicker but it’s growing back.

The hair transplant club is growing

Alan joins a long list of stars and celebrities who’ve had the procedure including, James Nesbitt, Robbie Williams and another recent adopter, Celebrity Big Brother’s Calum Best who’s been more than happy to talk in some detail about the procedures he’s undergone. As a model Calum felt that he needed to do something to arrest his hair loss, particularly when he landed the Big Brother opportunity.

In his words, “Hair transplant technology has improved so much in the last five years and I have been able to keep hold of all my hair and wear it in the same way I did when I was in my teens. I think I look at least five years younger due to the hair transplants and it has definitely helped my career.”

The transplant has got a very good success rate due to the advances in technology over the last few years. It’s still not cheap (Best’s three procedures cost around £25,000) and it isn’t necessarily an immediate solution to hair loss. Repeat procedures are common until the desired look is achieved but the growing number of celebrities who are joining the transplant club is testament to the results.


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