Katie Price Comes Clean About Her Hair Loss

Celebrities, General Hair Loss

UK celebrity Katie Price turned on a troll who abused her online for her hair loss. In the process she raised the profile of this all too common problem.


From Jordan To Katie

katie price

The story of Katie Price is a remarkable one. Forget Teflon Don Trump, Katie has more bouncebackability than a Tigger on a trampoline. She began life as a simple glamour model trading under the name Jordan, as one of the young girls who would display their breasts and/or bums every morning on Page 3 of the UK’s best-selling tabloid daily. She kept herself in the news by steadily increasing the size of her assets with a series of surgical procedures, eventually achieving something of quite epic proportions – until she developed some serious problems which moved her to reduce her breasts to more manageable dimensions. While this saga played out in the national press she was seen stepping out with footballers mostly, and some pop stars, and some other celebrities.

She has apparently written more books than she has read, which puts her in a very small set of people. She has also found the time for three husbands and five children… some of those children have pretty spectacular first names, everyone will have their own favourite but Princess Tiaamii Crystal Esther Andre stands out for us. Princess’s dad, Peter Andre, was a washed up poplet warbler when he and Katie went into the jungle for TV show I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Their on screen romance captured the public and the ensuing marriage became compulsive viewing as it played out on national TV in a series of fly on the wall shows.

Social Media Queen

katieprice glam



Love her or hate her there is no doubt she has a large and loyal following from women who see her as a strong female figure, and there is no doubt the girl fights her corner. Launching her own beauty salon she found herself in a row with one of her social media followers who accused her of having bald spots that were due to extensions… after pictures emerged showing some small bare patches just behind the hairline above the ears. Katie, true to form, hit back. She pointed to a year of great stress as the cause and slated the girl for her insenstivity. It should be added that she did also suggest her adversary might want to get the bags under her eyes sorted out… we are not suggesting she isn’t prepared to fight with her claws.

We are of the opinion that any conversation about hair loss affecting women, which is almost as common as it is in men, is a good thing. For it to be led by Katie Price, with her reach and influence on young women in particular, can only be a positive thing.

HIS Hair Clinic


Stress related hair loss is very real, one of the ways it distinguishes itself from female pattern hair loss is where it appears, which is far more random and often in clumps… as opposed to the general thinning along the center-parting which is more typical in the hereditary form. If you are ready to do something about your own hair loss then a meeting with one of our friendly team of experts is a great first step. Simply complete the contact form at the side of the page or click here to find your nearest clinic.


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Why we go bald: the evolutionary reasons for hair loss

