BGT Winner to Have Hair Transplant at Just 23

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
BGT winner to have hair transplant at just 23

BGT winner to have hair transplant at just 23Hair transplants have become a very popular treatment in the UK, most commonly performed on older patients. However, male pattern baldness can occur at any age as 23-year-old BGT winner, George Sampson, recently discovered.

The star has now gone public, announcing his plans to have a hair transplant surgery to rectify his premature baldness.

Sampson plans to vlog his experience

The actor and dancer is undergoing the treatment in Skipton and he plans to vlog the entire experience.

On a statement shared via social media site Twitter, the star explained his decision to go under the knife was down to self-confidence and the pressure to look good in his line of work.

It’s no secret male stars feel the pressure to have a full, healthy head of hair. Numerous sports stars have opened up about their decision to undergo a hair transplant in recent years, with many leading to impressive success.

Hair loss can be triggered by a huge number of factors and in Sampson’s case he’s blamed a combination of alopecia, head spinning and genetics. It has caused not only his hairline to recede, but a line of hair loss to appear down the centre of the scalp.

Is a hair transplant a good treatment option?

Hair transplants can be really successful, though they are known to be costly. Many people are also unaware that it may take more than one session to see results. There’s always a risk that the transplant could fail, but most do experience first-time results.

It involves taking donor hairs from the sides, or back of the scalp. These are then inserted into the balding areas, where they re-attach and start to grow. You will experience immediate results, though the implanted hairs can often fall out shortly after. This isn’t anything to worry about however as they do regrow. It’s simply a natural process which can be worrying when you’ve just paid a lot of money to have your hair back!

Overall, while Sampson is one of the youngest stars to admit to undergoing a hair transplant, he’s certainly not alone. Many men experience premature balding and it can be an embarrassing, self-confidence draining condition. Treatment is available and a hair transplant could be a good long-term solution. However, it is important to talk to a hair specialist to establish the cause of the hair loss and in turn, the best method of treatment.


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