What it’s really like to be a hair transplant surgeon

Hair Transplant Surgery
What it's really like to be a hair transplant surgeon

What it's really like to be a hair transplant surgeonA New York hair transplant surgeon has recently spoken to the Telegraph to reveal what really goes on in the practice. Despite its growing popularity, there’s still a lot of misunderstanding about what a hair transplant actually involves.

Many budding surgeons considering specialising in hair transplants also have a lot of misconceptions about what it takes to get started. So, to set the record straight and clear up some of the common myths, Dr. Blake Bloxham has revealed exactly what it’s like to be a hair transplant surgeon.

It takes years to become fully qualified

When you think of hair transplant surgery, it doesn’t really sound like a major procedure. It certainly doesn’t sound as difficult as standard surgery. However, you might just be surprised by how long it actually takes to get fully qualified.

It takes a lot of skill and training in order to successfully perform a hair transplant. So, anybody hoping to get into the profession can expect to train for at least 5 years.

Of course, you’ll come across surgeon’s who have taken a few shortcuts to get qualified. They typically offer lower prices to make up for their inexperience.

The technique has come a long way

At one time, hair transplants were carried out using Plugs. These left a really unflattering result and developed a pretty bad reputation. While they aren’t used in today’s modern procedures, many people don’t realise just how much the techniques used have changed.

These days, the hair transplant techniques used leave behind a very natural looking result and come with much fewer complications.

It’s not suitable for everyone

There are limits to what a hair transplant can achieve. In order to be successful, the patient needs to have a good, healthy donor site. If there aren’t sufficient hairs at the back or side of the head, you may not be able to benefit from a hair transplant.

There’s also the fact that certain types of alopecia could actually be made worse by a hair transplant. So, before you undergo the procedure, you should always get a diagnosis from your doctor and chat through your treatment options.

Overall, a hair transplant can be an excellent permanent treatment option for those suffering from hair loss. However, it is important to understand its limitations and ensure it’s the best option for you before going under the knife.


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