How effective are topical hair loss treatments?


balding headWith companies and scientist frequently claiming that a cure for baldness is close to reality, those of us struggling with baldness are left to use the products that are currently available to us to help stem the tide of hair loss.

But just how effective are the likes of Rogaine, Propecia and other topical hair loss treatments?

Changing Up Your Shampoo

The University of British Columbia has found that by changing your shampoo you can see beneficial results in slowing hair loss. They found that anti-dandruff shampoos containing the antifungal Ketoconazole, is able to reduce the conversion from testosterone to DHT.

Another study in Belgium supported the theory, with findings of DHT reduction resulting in 17 percent less hair loss over 6 months when a Ketoconazole-containing shampoo was used.

Rogaine and Propecia are two of the most popular hair loss drugs on the market.


Rogaine contains Minoxidil, which was once used for high blood pressure but was then found to have the side effect of thickening hair and increasing hair growth! Since the release of Rogiane, many studies have supported its effectiveness, with between 50-85% of men in these studies noticing positive results.

The downside of Rogaine is that it seems to be much less effective for older men, therefore the best time to use the product is when you first begin experiencing hair loss, as it does not work on permanently damaged follicles or large areas of hair loss.

Hair loss also continues after stopping use and therefore you must be prepared to foot the bill on a regular basis.


Propecia was the first branded hair loss treatment on the market and is still widely recommended today. It is often recommended to try it before Minoxidil products as it inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT rather than stimulating blood flow like Rogaine. It decreases DHT by up to 60% and is proven to help stop hair loss and give hair a better chance to grow.

Both men and women can use Minoxidil products and results usually take a minimum of 4 results before being noticeable. As with Rogaine you also have to uses these products regularly for best results.

Overall, topical hair loss treatments can provide you with the support you need to maintain a healthy head of hair, but the results aren’t permanent and the trick is to start early at the first signs of hair loss.


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