Laser therapy for hair loss – does it work?


laser-737441_960_720Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has become an established and proven treatment for hair loss, with the American Food and Drug Administration finding it is capable of both halting and even reversing hair loss. But is this treatment right for you?

Lasers are now a valuable addition to a wide variety of beauty treatments today. In terms of hair loss, they provide a pain-free solution that can be combined with a variety of other treatments to help slow the tide of hair loss. Here’s what you need to know about them.

How Does It Work?

Hair grows in cycles, and these cycles consist of three phases: growth, resting and shedding. The laser hair loss treatment works by increasing the blood flow to the scalp and this stimulates the follicles, shifting hair to the growth phase instead of resting.

The theory of this is that the light photons lead to the production of adenosine triphosphate; this is then converted to cyclic AMP in the hair follicles cells, releasing energy and stimulating the processes that cause hair growth.

Are You A Good Candidate For Low Level Laser Therapy?

LLLT is intended for both men and women who are experiencing thinning hair or pattern baldness. A physician will test your level of hair loss on either the Norwood-Hamilton Classification (men) or Ludwig-Savin Scale (women).

If you are deemed suitable for the treatment then you may go ahead with it. LLLT is usually intended for early signs of hair loss, but be sure to visit a specialist to see if you are eligible for treatment.

It is always recommended that you seek the advice of professionals at the first signs of hair loss. Not only does this ensure that the amount of shedding can be reduced, but it also makes it more likely that your treatment will be a success.

So if you’re experiencing any thinning around your crown or your hair is receding, then the time to act is immediately. Make sure you research qualified and experienced hair experts to best help you deal with hair loss.


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