Beard Transplant FAQs

Hair Transplant Surgery
beard transplant faqs

beard transplant faqsBeard transplants are growing in popularity with men wishing to achieve a more impressive facial hair offering. Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

What does a beard transplant procedure entail?

A beard transplant is performed in exactly the same way as a hair transplant to reverse hair loss on the scalp. Most hair transplant surgeons utilise the Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE, approach which involves extracting small follicular units, containing a few hairs, from the donor site. This is typically the back of the head where most men do not go onto lose their hair. If there are concerns of the long-term viability of this area then it is possible to extract donor hairs from elsewhere.

The follicular units are then placed in the recipient area, whether that’s the scalp, brows or beard, in a single session lasting many hours, depending on the amount of hair follicles are to be extracted.

What does beard transplant recovery involve?

There is usually little downtime after a FUE beard transplant because the procedure is performed under a local anaesthetic. Clients will leave the clinic immediately and will be able to resume their normal activities although the recipient area will look slightly red and swollen for a few days.

You will be given detailed instructions on how to care for the transplanted hair follicles after the procedure.

Are there any risks to a beard transplant?

Previously, scarring after a hair transplant was a consideration but techniques have evolved greatly and a FUE procedure uses very fine, precise tools that should leave no visible scarring in the donor area. There should also be no scarring in the area where the hair follicles have been transplanted, whether that’s the scalp or face.

How much does a beard transplant cost?

Beard transplant costs are the same as a hair transplant procedure; it all depends on the amount of hair follicles that are transplanted in a single session and so an assessment of how many follicles are viable as well as your own expectations, need to be taken into account before a quote can be given.

If you have a beard transplant question that hasn’t been answered here, then get in touch to book a consultation with one of our hair loss experts.


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The pain factor
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3 things to know before you have a beard transplant

