What are the best ways to stop hair loss?

General Hair Loss

Before discussing remedies, it is important to cite some types of balding conditions.

The most common is known as androgenic alopecia. It is a genetic condition that causes the hairline to slowly recede until the top of the scalp is totally devoid of hair. Alopecia areata on the other hand is an autoimmune type of balding where the body mistakes the hair follicles as a foreign body. It sends out white blood cells whose assault upon it causes its shrinkage. This results in round bald spots that appear randomly throughout the scalp.
Another balding condition is called telogen effluvium, evidenced by hair being shed in clumps. It is brought about by a rapid shift between the anagen and telogen hair growth cycles. Traumatic life events are its known cause such as major surgery, accident, divorce, death of a loved one and even childbirth. Other causes of balding are stress, illness, medication and vitamin deficiency. There is also a condition called traction alopecia where hair is lost due to abnormal pulling or tugging. An example of this is styling the hair in cornrows.
Knowing the different types of hair loss conditions is helpful in order to know the appropriate remedies for each kind. Note that self-medicating is not encouraged. Consulting with a qualified physician is strongly recommended before undergoing any type of treatment for hair loss.
Androgenic alopecia in its earlier stages can be remedied by the use of medication such as minoxidil. It helps thicken the hair strands, increasing the appearance of density. Finasteride is another drug that can be taken as the condition progresses in its later stages, helping hair regrow in some cases. Both carry with them side effects that can last long after its use has been discontinued. A more advanced case of androgenic alopecia might need to be treated using hair transplants or scalp micropigmentation.
Alopecia areata can likewise be treated with minoxidil. There is no telling where the bald patches will appear upon the scalp however and this might be used for maintenance purposes only. Hair transplants will not be effective with this condition due to its random nature.
Telogen effluvium usually starts to regrow hair on its own about six months after the stressful event. Eating the right kind of foods can also help the hair follicles regenerate hair strands quicker. Avoiding the use of dyes, blow dryers and other methods that style the hair can aid a faster recovery. Minoxidil can be used only if regrowth is not observed after seven to eight months.
Nothing beats a healthy lifestyle. Hair that is lost through stress, illness, medication or vitamin deficiency is usually made worse by a poor diet, lack of sleep and substance abuse. Being able to exercise, eat healthy, rest and maintain a positive mindset does wonders not only for the hair but also for a person’s overall wellbeing.
It is true that there has yet to be a cure for hair loss. The above remedies are but recommendations that can either slow down its progression, conceal the baldness or try to delay its onset. Again it depends on what kind of hair loss condition the person is going through before a certain treatment to be used.
Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is perhaps the most applicable remedy in the market today. It can be used for almost any type of hair loss because it can work just as well on a completely bald scalp or one with existing hair. There are just certain parameters that it must adhere to which is not so restrictive. In a way, it can stop having to worry about hair loss because its “just-shaven” style eliminates the need to preserve existing hair and replaces it with carefully layered pigments giving the scalp the illusion of hair.


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