Following my last post about how scalp micropigmentation can work for young men in their teens and twenties, it seemed appropriate to examine the other end of the spectrum, and look at how SMP can work equally well for men in their fifties and sixties.
The decision to have scalp micropigmentation later in life usually follows many years of baldness, often with the frustrations that go hand in hand. Many of our older clients have used hair systems, had multiple hair transplants or use concealers to thicken up what they have left. For these men, SMP usually represents release and relief more than anything else, as they are finally able to put these old habits to rest.
Of course everyone is different, and many of our more mature clients have never used systems or had hair transplant surgery. For some, it is simply an opportunity to reinvent themselves as the younger man they still feel like, and want to be.
The video above shows Herbert, a recent client of HIS Hair Clinic who had his SMP treatment at 57 years of age in a bid to look less aged. The result is a natural look that has knocked years off his appearance.
An important consideration
For a natural appearance, it is of vital importance that your new style is age-appropriate. For this reason, we usually recommend a more conservative hairline position and shape, and we usually break up the frontal hairline for a softer, feathered look. Herbert (above) had quite a sharp hairline in keeping with a style often adopted by men of his culture, however for the majority of men like Taff and Colin below, soft and feathered is the preferable way to go.
Taff (above) was 69 years old when he had his treatment with HIS Hair Clinic. He had undergone several bad hair transplant procedures in the 1970’s and had covered the results using hair systems ever since. Although his ‘after’ photo still shows some redness as it was taken immediately after one of his sessions, you can already see how liberating the experience must have been for him. Read Taff’s full story.
The above video shows Colin, a client of HIS Hair Clinic who was 55 years old when he had his treatment. His result is ultra natural and makes him look considerably younger than he did, whilst maintaining an age-appropriate appearance.
If you have any questions about this procedure or whether or not scalp micropigmentation would suit your personal circumstances, please feel free to contact us.