Although Scalp Micro-Pigmentation SMP was originally developed as a technique to hide hair loss, it soon became clear that the technique could offer huge benefits to clients with hair transplant scars
Hair transplant scars are an unfortunate and unavoidable by-product of hair restoration surgery. The type of scarring depends on the method of surgery, however the most common are linear scars to the back of the head following cheaper strip method procedures, small dots following hair-by-hair FUE surgery and larger plug scars following outdated techniques used in the 70’s and 80’s.
Modern procedures usually follow the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique. Thanks to advancements in recent years, it is fair to say that the size and visibility of scars can be reduced quite significantly now with the right surgeon, however scars will never be avoided entirely.
For those who have to live with their scars, simple things like styling their hair or standing in queues can be the cause of a great deal of anxiety. This problem often becomes worse as the person continues to lose their hair and the scars become more difficult to hide. Many live to regret the surgery they once looked forward to, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
The pros and cons of repairing scars with SMP
SMP techniques are commonly used to camouflage scars caused by hair restoration surgery. The advantages are clear – quick, safe, effective concealment with no more surgery and no maintenance other than moisturizing and shaving.
Typically a strip scar repair will require 2-3 short sessions to complete, although additional sessions may be required in some cases. Often a scar repair is completed during the course of a full SMP treatment to minimise the total number of sessions required, however standalone scar repair treatments are common.
There are a coupe of considerations to bear in mind if you choose to conceal your scar with SMP.
You will be required to maintain a short (sometimes shaved) hairstyle, which may seem a little counter-intuitive at first, particularly for those who have previously grown their hair to hide their scars.
Also, please be aware that your scars will need sufficient time to heal before an SMP treatment can be applied. Pink scars can be treated, but wounds that have not entirely healed cannot. You simply need to wait a little longer, usually from 6 to 18 months after surgery, before we can camouflage your scars.
What about other types of scars?
It depends on the condition of your scar tissue. Generally speaking, most scars can be effectively camouflaged using SMP. This includes scars from accidents, other types of surgery, burns and skin conditions.
One of our practitioners suffered severe burns at a very young age, and was able to conceal his scars with SMP after a lifetime of using hair systems, concealers and undergoing four separate hair transplant procedures. You can read his story here.
Where can I find out more?
If you would like to discuss the possibility of concealing your scars, or would like more information, please see the following links: