I’d like to raise a slightly uncomfortable subject, relating to a recent increase in the number of clients requesting an excessive number of treatment sessions.
Sometimes our clients simply need more than the average number of sessions. There are cases documented onour forum where the client needed 5 or more sessions due to excessive fading, or because their circumstances were non-standard. Although excessive fading (for example) is not something we can entirely control due to the physiological characteristics of the individual involved (some people just dont hold onto the pigments as well as others), I’d like to make it quite clear that the concern I am raising does not involve these clients. If you need more sessions than the average to correct fading for example, we will continue to happily provide these sessions as required.
The reason for this post is because I am aware that for a small number of clients, the advantages of MHT and the relative ease of undergoing the procedure can quickly become addictive. Most certainly we are seeing more clients nowadays who come back for multiple touch-ups and adjustments, often without any cause or need to do so. In some cases, clients are even taking superb examples of MHT treatments and compromising their realism with requests for super dark shades, ultra low hairlines and unrealistic hairline styles. We have clients on our books who have unnecessarily clocked up more than 10 treatment sessions within a very short period of time. The emotional, psychological and financial impact of such a journey quickly takes its toll.
Although I am not implying that all clients who request an excessive number of treatments are affected by this, there is a documented condition called Body Dysmorphic Disorder which causes sufferers to become excessively preoccupied with a certain aspect of their physical appearance. This condition is serious, and has been a contributing factor in many thousands of suicides around the world. One of the characteristics of BDD is that sufferers are far more likely to turn to excessive numbers of cosmetic procedures in order to correct their perceived flaw.
More information about BDD can be found here
This is not an issue that affects a great number of people but the issue definitely exists, and we have seen strong evidence of this in some of our clients. We must therefore reserve the right to refuse such requests, when we truly believe it is in the best interests of the person involved.
Our clients should never forget the primary reason why they come to HIS. In the vast majority of cases, clients undergo MHT in order to leave hair loss behind for good. Once a clients treatment sessions are over, however many that may be, we would like to encourage all our clients to do exactly that – leave hair loss behind and live your life a happier, more confident man. We know better than most that meaning to move on is far easier than actually doing it, but this is the final (and possibly most important) stage of your journey towards achieving a new you.
A forum thread has been created to discuss this subject. You can find the thread by clicking here.