The latest news and updates on everything hair loss related.


How to cope with Alopecia

I was browsing the web to pass some time, and came across a really great article on the Telegraph website about how to cope with Alopecia. The article addresses Alopecia Areata in particular, however its…

What is Traction Alopecia?

Traction Alopecia is a self-inflicted form of hair loss, generally caused by over-zealous pulling of the hair, usually as the result of tight hairstyles. The condition is more common amongst those of Afro-Caribbean origin, due…
Hair Loss News

Clinical Practice

CLINICAL PROCESS Our specially designed Scalp Pigmentation MHT® process ensures we follow 100% safe and sterile practices and all consumables are clinically and responsibly disposed of after every single procedure. The equipment and facilities utilised…
Hair Loss News

HIS Hair open days

Hairloss Improvement Specialists (HIS) will be holding open days at our London and Birmingham clinics, talking through and demonstrating the benefits of our ground-breaking  Scalp Pigmentation MHT® treatment. The first open day is being held at…