X-Factor star regains confidence after hair transplant

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery, Other Topics

Popular X-Factor star, Jake Quickenden, has recently shown off the impressive results of a hair transplant.

Like many men, Jake developed a receding hairline which caused him significant insecurities. Although male pattern baldness is most commonly put down to old age, men can develop the condition at any age; even in their teens. Jake is just 28 and he appears much more confident after spending £5,000 on a hair transplant. He’s now become one in a long list of male celebrities to undergo the procedure.

The star likened his receding hairline to a peanut M&M

Jake claims he’s felt insecure for years about his receding hairline. He thought it left him looking like a peanut M&M and was determined to finally do something about it.

Shortly after undergoing the procedure, Jake shared a rare glimpse into the after effects of a hair transplant. He posted a photo and explained the reason why he looked like “Frankenstein”. He also went on to explain the redness and the swelling will go down within a week and then he’ll just have to wait for the results.

Many men don’t realise the results of a hair transplant can take up to a year to fully develop. It’s also not widely known that the hairs can all fall out shortly after the procedure, but they do grow back.

While it’s great Jake has regained his confidence, it may have been more beneficial for him to consider SMP treatment instead.

What is SMP?

SMP (Scalp MicroPigmentation) is an increasingly popular procedure whereby a  specialist practitioner carefully layers minute traces of ink into the scalp. It leaves behind a very realistic buzz cut look that is indisinguishable from the real thing. It’s much cheaper than a hair transplant, comes with fewer risks and it gives a stylish, modern look that’s works equally in the board room as the sports field.

Of course, hair transplants can be very effective and can prove the best long-term solution for many patients. However, it is worth looking into SMP before you decide whether or not a hair transplant is right for you.


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