Strictly hair loss support

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Strictly hair loss support in Oregon

Strictly hair loss support in OregonAt the end of January 2017, professional dancers are set to take part in a “Shall We Dance” event to raise funds for the Angel Hair Foundation. They are partnering with local celebrities to perform numerous routines in a bid to help children suffering from illness related hair loss.

Raising money and awareness for a vital cause

Losing your hair at any age can be devastating, but for a child it can be especially scary and traumatising. Many suffer with very low self-esteem and a total lack of confidence as the hair is linked closely to their identity. When it is taken away therefore, it’s not unusual for sufferers to feel like they’ve been stripped of who they are.

The Shall We Dance event is going to be raising money to provide children with their own hair system. Rather than just a wig, each child will be provided with real human hair that has been personalised to suit their needs. With the hair system, they’ll be able to do things that they wouldn’t if they were wearing a wig such as swimming and running.

The dancers are now currently rehearsing and have been given 8 weeks to prepare. Tickets are on sale for $150 and the event will be held in Oregon.

What is the Angel Hair Foundation?

Founded in 2007, the Angel Hair Foundation aims to support children who have lost their hair due to cancer and other serious illnesses. They specialise in providing hair systems which have been proven to help those affected, regain the confidence they had before their hair loss.

So far, the foundation has helped 270 children. It was started by Staci Wright and her mother Debbie Wright after Staci herself lost her hair after she was diagnosed and treated for bone cancer when she was in the eighth grade. She herself received a prosthetic hair system and it really improved her confidence. Wanting to help other kids regain their self-esteem after hair loss, Staci and her mother decided to start the Angel Hair Foundation.

Hair loss events are becoming increasing common and it’s great to see so much awareness being raised. It used to be something that was purely associated as a sign of old age in men, but now it’s recognised that it affects both men and women equally, as well as children.


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