Could this ‘hair restoration programme’ help you regrow your hair naturally?

Future Treatments, Other Topics
Could this hair restoration programme help your hair loss

Could this hair restoration programme help your hair lossHair loss is a common problem, affecting men and women, for a variety of reasons and in many ways. There is a saying, that ‘you are what you eat’ and this is the theory behind a hair restoration programme that claims to slow down the hair loss process.

Poor hair condition, slow growth or even hair loss can be caused by deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals such as iron or by diseases such as thyroid disease.

The hair rejuvenator programme

This led James Davis to create a ‘hair rejuvenator program’ to help people better understand why they are suffering from hair loss and how it can be reversed or stopped.

The idea is that having researched foods and supplements, David collated information on daily recommended amounts of nutrients needed to allow the body to supply the scalp with the best environment to promote hair growth.

The four stages of hair rejuvenation

His programme is split into four phases. The first phase is Decalcification and it teaches people to eat the best nutrient-rich foods to throw out excess calcium.

The second phase claims to block DHT or Dihydrotestosterone, which is the hormone involved in male pattern balding. The third phase is called the nutrient booster phase and contains booster foods and healthy nutriments to gain shiny, healthy hair.

The fourth and final phase is called Cycling and combines lessons from the previous three phases and claims to help the scalp effectively grow hair back.

The programme includes a guidebook, calendar and schedule as well as a 60 day full money back refund policy if the buyers isn’t satisfied with results.

There are, of course, lots of hair loss programmes available online. It can be difficult to know who and what to trust as some are more reliable than others.It is important to seek medical advice before embarking on a programme such as this one and always do your research.

If you want a more trustworthy source of information on hair loss and the options available, why not book an appointment at HIS Hair Clinic today.


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