New Bachelorette contestants all sport impressive facial hair

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The Bachelorette

The BacheloretteAmerican TV series “the Bachelorette”, in which 25-30 men are chosen as potential suitors, hopefully ending in a proposal for marriage is about to begin a new season on ABC. Interestingly this year the pool of men has bucked the previous trend of smooth faces with a range of facial hair that is surprising to say the least.

The styles in evidence aren’t just a close cropped stubbly look either, some of the beards and moustaches are quite prodigious and reminiscent of the 1970s when men sported facial hair with aplomb.

Fed up of having a babyface?

So what can you do if you can’t grow a beard to save your life? Fortunately, all is not lost as it is quite possible to grow a full beard of your own by opting for a beard transplant.

The procedure is similar to a hair transplant, whereby follicles are migrated from other areas of the body (usually the head but it could be chest or elsewhere) on to the face. Dr Jeffrey Epstein, an American facial plastic surgeon recently told the New York Times that ten years ago he might only perform four or five beard transplants per year but now it’s up to three per week.

Quick results

The procedure is usually very effective and in many cases the patient can expect almost immediate hair growth and to be shaving within a few weeks with most men reporting increased confidence and an enhanced sense of their own masculinity.

A survey by Braun earlier this year indicated that men feel 53% more attractive to women when they have a beard.

The downside is the procedure isn’t cheap with some men spending up to £14,500 to get the bearded look. This is at the top end but, even so, you can expect a beard transplant to be an expensive investment.

It’ll be interesting to see if this year’s bachelorette chooses a hirsute or smooth faced mate. Either way there are no signs that the bearded look is on the wain.


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