Could baking soda work to prevent hair loss?

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Could baking soda work to prevent hair loss?

Could baking soda work to prevent hair loss?Many household cupboards include a tub of baking soda. It is one of those items that every generation has in stock – just in case it is needed. It is said to help get rid of clothes stains, whiten teeth and even unblock drains. Latest claims say it can help prevent hair loss … but should we believe it?

Hair loss hassles

Balding in men and women can be a very stressful time in their life – whether this means hair thinning, bald patches or total baldness. It can hugely affect the self-esteem of a person, as we live in a looks obsessed society where healthy, thick hair is valued.

Many men experience noticeable hair loss by the age of 35 and experts often hear an increasing number of claims about wonder products than can prevent or reduce the signs of balding. One of these is baking soda.

How baking soda can help

It has been said that replacing your usual shampoo product with baking soda can help reduce product build-up (from gels, hairspray or colours, for example) and chemical build-up (such as chlorine and pollutants). These can add weight to the hair, making it appear listless but also prevent new hair from growing.

The tip is to mix one part of baking soda with three parts water and work it in to the hair and scalp for a few minutes before rinsing out.

But some trichologists (or hair experts) are wary of the claims. Evidence about the benefits of baking soda for hair are scarce.

Shampoos are used for a reason and not washing hair the correct way or with the best product can do more harm than good. Baking soda may help banish old product build-up and make hair appear cleaner and fuller, but it does little (if anything) to prevent actual hair loss.

Hair loss can occur for many reasons, including hormones, genetics, medications or lifestyle and if experiencing hair thinning or loss, it’s important to find out why.

There are many ways to disguise the onset of hair loss, including scalp micopigmentation, and it is always worth speaking to a consultant to find out why you are losing hair and how things might be improved.


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